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Disabling specific voice lines of a commander voiceover

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I am exclusively using the German Hololive commander voiceover, but I guess this would apply for all commander voiceovers in concept.


The commander voicing concern about the enemy being at an advantage, close to winning or my team having lost the match is making me tilt hard (yes, I am feeble in that regard) with what is basically worthless nagging added by WG to induce frustration to drive engagement, so I would like to disable it.


From checking the mod.XML of a custom commander I think the voiceover lines in question are related to the events/statuses VO_Domination_Advantage_Enemy , VO_Domination_Close_Win_Enemy and Battle_Status_Result_Lose , if I haven't missed anything. I am close to unpacking the WoWs packages, trying to find the XML for that commander and creating a spin-off mod to achieve a degree of robustness for when the game's packages are updated by WG.


The thing is, I have never done WoWs modding before (I only did Half-Life 1 modelling, animating, skinmapping and scripting years ago and now do basic SQL/VBA scripting at work) and I am afraid of poking a beehive. Maybe my whole planned approach is not feasible? Maybe there is a more elegant solution? Maybe some modder could put this together quickly because they are already familiar with the subject of VO modding?


Any input and help is appreciated.


Thank you in advance!



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Alright, I think I figured it out.


Using a GUI unpacker I extracted the sound banks, where I could indeed find the XML for the Hololive commanders and their sound files. I recreated the folder structure in res_mods (.\res_mods\banks\OfficialMods\Hololive), used a dummy silent WEM file (found through listening in via a Foobar2k plugin instead of dealing with transcoding), copied/renamed that to the files called upon the events I suspected (see OP) and that was pretty much it.


Through this kitbashing I avoided creating a new commander sound mod, so it keeps it simple. Now I only need to manually copy that every new version I create an automation (probably through a batch file using something like this, but that is something for another day).


Just wanted to list my findings in case anyone with similar goal should ever stumble upon this here. It really was as simple as I thought, actually even simpler.

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@echo off
set PathFolder=E:\Games2\World_of_Warships\bin\
set PathResMods=\res_mods

if exist %PathFolder% (
  echo Folder is correct, proceeding...
) else (
  echo Folder is not correct, aborting. Check folder for bin path in batch file!

for /F "eol=| delims=" %%I in ('dir %PathFolder% /AD /B /O-N 2^>nul') do set "FolderName=%%I" & goto CopyMod

set PathComplete=%PathFolder%%FolderName%%PathResMods%
xcopy /s /e ".\res_mods\*.*" "%PathComplete%"
echo Mod installed!


If anyone should care, this batch file, in combination with the relative batch file and folder setup shown in the attachment should do the job, at least it does right now for me. The res_mods folder where the batch file is located is then replicated into the one in the installation folder with the highest version number, so its contents must be placed appropriately.


Of course, one needs to adjust the WoWs' bin folder location manually, I just left my installation path in there as a start. I used to read folder paths from registry keys for installed programs about 20 years ago (for a batch file port graphic asset swapper for NavyField), but from what I can see now the registry may not be that simple to access from batch files in current Windows versions so I went the manual route, just to be sure.


This can be used by anyone who has his own mods that are not part of a modpack with a proper installer to keep stuff updated. Yes, simple copy/paste also does the job, but... well, I just wanted to follow the thought through 😉


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