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Extra buttons on mouse dont work ?!

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I reinstalled windows than downloaded and installed WoT went to in game settings and adjusted consumables 4 (for me its manual fire ext.) and 5 (small repair kit) on my DOWN and UP extra buttons you have on the left side on some gamer mouses. it all worked before just fine i managed to turn my fire real quickly and repair my tracks in a no time as well. Entered game, while loading battle screen (30sec) if you hit those extra buttons game tells like no need to repair or extinguish bla bla but when game starts and i get tracked or whatever the button DOES NOT RESPOND !! i changed even on scroll button to check that option and it also doesn't respond only when on default numbers, all my other changes of controls work except that. And that is a big prob cause i have used to repair my tracks and turn off fire on that mouse buttons, takes longer to press 4 and 5 buttons on keyboard. What could that be??

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