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A few issues with modpack

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I'm actually having a few issues. First there is no gun sound, there is no terrain on the minimap, and after each match the game freezes after the awards are shown. I'm currently using TheNumberWangs ship icons, player panels by BADoBEST, Krab crosshairs, gun marker #4, improved chat, and fog remover. Below I've included a screenshot showing the missing terrain and the required zip file. And I've also verified the game plays fine in safe mode.



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I second this. The mods I installed was:
"ThatsNumberWang" from ship contours section
"Player's Panel with HP bars (config by BADoBEST" from Players panel
"marker #1" from Gun marker shapes
"Yet another zoom-out mod" from Camera mods
"BadoBEST: HP + nick" from Over Target Markers
"Golden Premium Consumable Icons" from Consumables Icons
"Historical Naval Ensigns (Flags) in 2k HD" - "Naval Ensign" from Flags
"Colored tracers by Butterkeks" from Tracers
"More visible cruise control" from Cruise control
"Gold Premium Ship Icons" from Ship previews
"Improved Chat" from Chat
"Traning Room enabler" from Various mods"
"Ship Name Romanization without lady commanders names" from Various mods
"Enable ability to record battle replays"

Keep up the good work.

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Was fighting the battle of my life in my Fujin when it was down to me vs 3 enemies. I torped an enemy BB and switched to guns to finish him off and when I hit 'shift' to zoom in, the game froze up...

I managed to wipe out the res mods folder and restart the game, but lost because they got to 1000 points before I could kill another ship....shot-16.10.22_12.56.31-0467.jpg

Cost me both the win and a Kraken...  sigh.

Keep up the good work on your modpacks!





Edited by a_stray_shot_
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