Lupin III. Posted May 4, 2017 Posted May 4, 2017 I usually have around 45 FPS (+-10) in a game, with or without any mods installed. When I hold the CTRL key to get the mouse pointer it drops to around 30 FPS in "clean" WoWs (integrity checked and no mods). If I have mods installed and hold the key but don't move the mouse, it drops to about 15FPS. As soon as I move the pointer it drops to 5 FPS and if there's a few planes my game turns into a 1 FPS slideshow, making it pretty much impossible to select any plane or other ship for secondary fire/AA. Is there a way to find out which of the mods is causing this hogging of CPU as soon as I move the cursor? The method of activating/deactivating single mods and trying it out doesn't work well, because I pretty much need to play full games to be able to tell if it did really change anything and do that for a quite a few combinations of mods. Currently I have these mods installed (text from the current _Aslains_Installer_CompList.log file): ------------------------------[ Spielerpanel Mods ]----------------------------- Panel von AutoSpy Klassenpanel mit HP Balken ---------------------------------[ Kamera Mods ]----------------------------------- Kamera "Zeiss" (erweiterte Kamera + erweiterter Zoom) (von Mebius_LW) Zeiss Extreme x25 -------------------------------[ Die Minimap Mods ]--------------------------------- Minimap mit Schiffsnamen Zeige benutzerdefinierte Minimap-Kreise an Zeige Zielrichtungslinien an Schiffsnamen vergrößern Besser Sichtbare Torpedos im Wasser & Geschütztreffer spritzer Weißer Style Feueralarmrahmen Feuer-Bildschirm ausblenden Chat Gruppe 1 Verbesserter Chat (Zeige die Schiffsnamen in Klammern) mit kompletten Namen --------------------------------[ Sound Mods [DLC] ]--------------------------------- Besatzungsstimmen Dasha Perova [RU] -------------------------------[ Verschiedene Mods ]-------------------------------- Bänder Bewege die Bänder in die Mitte Alt Hud (Schiffrichtungsanzeiger mit Rauch-Zähler) Navigator Navigator: zentriert Rauch-Zähler (Alt hud) Rauch-Zähler: zentriert Nebel entferner Anti-Blendung (Sonnenbrille) Trainingsraum aktivierer Schiffbewegungsanzeiger Aktiviere die Fähigkeit Gefechtsreplays aufzunehmen Quote
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