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Submission for inclusion: ARP HSF quickmessages and Kirishima voice fixes


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I've just done a new voice fix for the ARP Kirishima commander, replacing her Iona lines with Kirishima lines from the Yotaro (bear) commander. At the same time, I decided to give the ARP and HSF commanders their quickmessage lines back. Since there are now new quickmessages for which audio was never recorded, I copied the closest existing lines for those (ie "Lay a smoke screen" just reuses "Requesting support"). I did this for all the ARP and HSF commanders. Credit to www.reddit.com/user/KOMMyHuCT for the original idea of reusing the quickmessages. I just repackaged his work to fit into the right file structure.


I've uploaded a .rar to mediafire. Inside, I broke it down into three parts: Kirishima voice fix, ARP quick messages, and HSF quick messages, so people can install only the bits they want.




You also may want to check out KOMMyHuCT's mod, since it can be used to add manual selections for ARP and HSF voic-overs for those who don't have the commanders.




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