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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 4258653052 Code: 15 INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 4258653052 Code: 15 INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 4258653052 Code: 15 INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 4258653052 Code: 15 INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 4258653052 Code: 15 INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 4258653052 Code: 15 INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 4258653052 Code: 15 INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 4258653052 Code: 15 etc is s bug made by WG. Not related to modpack.
  2. v9.14.29 (09-04-2016): - updated XVM (5389) - updated 15m circle mod (displays a 15m circle around your vehicle on F9 key) - updated XVM's config (battle.xc) - applied dirty fix to sound error caused by WG in python.log [not compatible with certain crew voices] - fixed encoding in german translation
  3. The downloader is always checking if you have DLC files in DLC folder before downloading. However that clan icons stopped to work and are no longer in modpack.
  4. Pierwsze slysze, masz jakis link? Moze chodzi o ten mod ktory pokazuje gdzie jezdzic itp, podczas ladowania sie bitwy?
  5. Byc moze jest jakies lepsze wytlumaczenie, ale mi sie wydaje ze to tylko liczby referencyjne. Aby lepiej sie orientowac gdzie strzelac chcesz, albo strzelales, nie oznaczaja nic specjalnego, czyli nie jakies sekundy czy inne stopnie, ale kto wie. :)
  6. Sprawdzalem to na logach, u mnie na 7-ce wszystko sie instaluje do konca, wiec pewnie jakas specyfika komputera na ktorym to instalujesz. Sproboj zainstalowac do innego katalogu. Niestety tutaj nic nie pomoge, informacje bledow z windowsa ktore zamiesciles nic mi nie mowia, kompletnie nic z tym nie moge zrobic.
  7. I assume you've tried recommended steps, like cleaning up WoT cache? I could not reproduce this, every time can log in battle, and fight.
  8. You are installing easy crew voice selector, don't do it. Also select default voice sound for your crew.
  9. v9.14.28 (08-04-2016): - updated Damage Panel Zayaz [revised by leeuniverse] - updated contour icons: Webium - updated DE installer translation by corecroft27 - enabled Don't play Fire & Ammorack damage sounds - added crew voices: My Little Pony: Tanking is Magic (by TheBerliett) [EN] - added crosshair: Adiyas Sight Scope
  10. Bug en.Autoaim_indication_disable_VOIP=Zakáže změnu VoIP kávesou 'G' (no need to send new file, just informing you).
  11. This mod is not ammo clip friendly. I reported it many times to the author, but it seem he cannot fix it.
  12. Kiedys niektore celowniki to mialy, nie jestem pewien ale chyba celownik KT, Harpoon czy Miecz. No chyba ze Extra Aim Info, zainstalujesz, tam tez duzo informacji o celowaniu jest podawane.
  13. Couldn't reproduce. I saw some errors from Info Panel in previous battle in your logs, maybe reinstall the modpack without it and try, otherwise hard to tell, you didnt provide much details.
  14. Changing sounds in 9.14+ is a hard work, you need to read some guides and try to follow them: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/557859-sound-voice-mods-in-914/ I belive there are more topics on WoT EU/NA forums.
  15. Font conflict. Remove XVM font from system.
  16. v9.14.27 (07-04-2016): - added crew voices: Duke Nukem [EN], Darkest Dungeon [EN]
  17. Check what national voices have you selected in game settings, you need to use default setting there.
  18. It probably doesn't matter, a wild guess. I still need logs.
  19. v5.4.1.04 (07-04-2016): - updated MLP User Interface Mod by MajorRenegade [DLC] - updated Turquise & Yellow torpedoes in water by Pturbo
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