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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. http://forum.worldofwarships.eu/index.php?/topic/43868-
  2. but does it works in 9.14.1?
  3. Sprawdz komputer pod katem antywirow itp, cos przyblokowalo instalacje przez to nie wszystko ustawilo sie jak nalezy.
  4. Tak naprawilem to rano, czekajcie na nowy modpack.
  5. Niestety nowy skrypt ktory znalazlem nic nie pomogl, wiec celownik na razie usune, pewnie trzeba innych plikow swf.
  6. Its fixed already, wait for new modpack or clean up dlc folder.
  7. Udalo sie odtworzyc. Calkiem mozliwe ze ten nowy skrypt dla celownika ProArty nie jest do konca dopracowany. Niestety robi to ktos mi nie znany, i rusek do tego, takze ciezka sprawa, zobacze jeszcze, nonstop skanuje w poszukiwaniu nowosci.
  8. Dont use it, all crew sounds are prolly bugged + War Music
  9. Try proper modpack. This one is old.
  10. Write in different words maybe, attach screenshot and logs. Read my signature...
  11. It works in your setup, so I guess you added something extra, and this is the cause.
  12. v9.14.22 (01-04-2016): - initial version for WoT - updated XVM - updated ZJ OTM Reloads [working period to 11.04.2016]
  13. Sed is editing some config files in various places, if it's get blocked it may ends up like this. Why it's being blocked, well thats unknown to me (since it's not my computer) and caused by local machine.
  14. v9.14.21 (31-03-2016): - updated XVM (5316) - updated UT Announcer config
  15. Problem lezy po stronie uzytkownika, jego pc lub internet, blokuje polaczenie do serwera sprawdzania nowej wersji moda, przez co logowanie sie do garazu zawiesza sie. Tez problem lokalny, jesli na samym XVM sie tak dzieje to cos tam miesza. Zanim zagrasz po instalacji modpacka zrestartuj komputer dla pewnosci.
  16. Glad to hear that, I will improve it further in next modpack, hope it will work without adding any new groups.
  17. Ciekawe, chyba nie bylo jakiegos mikropatcha wczoraj. Mozesz podeslac nowe logi.
  18. U mnie problem taki jak masz nie wystepuje. Zaladowalem to samo co miales wybrane.
  19. After every WG update wait for new modpack, or rename folder to new version (not always works). No need to report it to me, I know that modpack will fail after EVERY major WG update.
  20. Not sure, check mods you have installed, maybe there is something outdated. Hard to tell more without logs.
  21. v5.4.1.00 (31-03-2016): - initial version for WoWs - updated Camera "Zeiss" (advanced camera + advanced zoom) (by Mebius_LW) - updated flag mods by MajorRenegade - updated anti-mirror files by MajorRenegade - updated Alternative Ship HP bar indicator above compass (by AutoSpy) - updated semi-transparent minimap by AutoSpy - updated contour icons by AutoSpy - removed few outdated mods - note: the main/direct link is using different server today, don't freak out
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