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Everything posted by PavLov777

  1. I guess fifth times a charm. Tried running the update in XVM and now I'm getting the stats in game. Don't know why it took sever attempts, but it did it. Thanks again for any who were going to respond. Sincerely Pavlov777
  2. I hate bringing this up again. The information posted about how to confirm your directory was great and helped me get things running again. However, no one did respond regarding the xvm portion of my question. I've launched it in their server, but I'm not getting any stats showing up in game. As I mentioned earlier, I seemed to remember that there is some other step that one has to take, yet I don't see where. If someone could just point that out to me, that would be great. Thanks Pavlov777.
  3. Thank you for that information. That really helps, because it explains how to determine what the correct directory is. It's also repeatable. As I mentioned in my original suggestion, a simple and straightforward installation instructional couldn't hurt. Thank you for your time and patience. Pavlov777
  4. Sorry, I should have also included a snap of the directories that I did install as they appear. Perhaps you could identify why it didn't work.
  5. Thanks for responding. I think that because you live and breath this stuff every day, it seems really intuitive, however; even your statement about putting it into the game directory could be more specific. I'm not sure if my set up is a lot different than others or not. There is at least two possibilities that I can see right from the top in my situation. I've included a snap shot of what I have. First, do you direct the installation to the top directory "World of Tanks", or would it go into "World_of_Tanks_NA"? Also, when I ran Aslains today, I was specifically looking for instructions at the end that would explain any other steps one has to take to activate it on your PC. The only information that I found was about going to the XVM site and activating the statistics, which I am well aware of. It's possible that I remembered incorrectly about the process the last time that I had to rebuild my PC. I thought there may have been something else that I needed to activate. Otherwise, I do suppose the instructional doc I was suggesting would be very short and sweet. As I said, I really didn't want to trouble anyone with it, but I was having difficulty getting this reinstalled, among all the other things I had to do. If you could just clear up the directory question I would appreciate that. Thanks PavLov777
  6. I really hate having to ask this but I tried searching this website for an instructional document that explains how to install these mods for the first time, but here I am without any other recourse. It seems that every couple of years I have to reinstall everything on my computer because of some virus getting on there, and there is no way that I can remember what I was told the last time. Therefore, I would think that it would save everyone some grief if there was a link to some document, that I'm sure you probably have, that explains how to install and configure your pc to work with the mods. I read one of your posts, and it said to select the appropriate directory to install the mods. Unfortunately, it didn't say what the appropriate directory is. Is it the game directory or is it the default directly that comes up when you attempt to install the mods. It's a simple little item, but when things don't work, you are left wondering if you selected the wrong directory. Also, I do remember that I was told some two years ago that when you run the mods for the first time, you must configure or turn something else on, before the mods actually work to your game. Can you remind me of what that is? These are the things that could easily be covered in a simple little document with a link to it from the down load page. At least, that would be my suggestion. I mean no disrespect to anyone here, but like everyone, no one likes to be chasing their tail in circles to find something and not be able to do so. I would appreciate answers to those two questions, or at least point me at the information. Thanks, Sincerely, PavLov777
  7. Thanks Quaksen. It took a couple attempts to get it to work right, but it working fine for me now. Thanks for the information.
  8. After reformatting my PC and reinstalling everything, I can't seem to get the statistics to show when a battle is loading or even by the "Tab" key during the match. I've checked my settings in my configuration of ASLAIN and I don't see anything that I've missed; at least I don't think that I have. I apologize if it is just a setting that I have missed, but I have looked several times now, and I just don't see what I've missed. Can you identify if I'm missing something? Also, I changed my video card when I re-did my PC, but I did make sure that I have the latest video driver for it. Otherwise, the game and other settings all seem to work well. I'm attaching the log zip and also a screen shot of what I've been talking about. Thanks for your consideration of my issue. Sincerely Pavlov777 aka Peter Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  9. I'll give this a try, thank you. I'll let you know how it works out for me.
  10. Can anyone tell me if there is an existing reticle that emphasizes the chance of penetrating your shot. I realize that the centre spot on the reticle is suppose to change colour, but it is often a little difficult to identify it changing when you're in the thick of things. What I was hoping for, is either the whole ring and reticle to change colour or the centre spot to be a lot more pronounced, or an additional indicator along the ring which would change colour. Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks.
  11. where does one find the xvm and mods that you are referring to?
  12. That seems to have helped a lot. Just to confirm, the Auxilium version of auto switch equipment doesn't seem to work well. The other mod that auto loads equipment seems to be ok. I also cleared out the cache. Not sure how much that did, but if it cleans things up, that can only help. Thanks, I think I'm ok now.
  13. Sorry, I wasn't aware of the need for the log file. I'll remember that in the future. Please find it attached now. I'ld appreciate any suggestions you can make. Thank you Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  14. Has anyone else noticed that when you have mods running that it can take a long time to switch from one tank to the next in WoT? For me it can take about 30 to 40 seconds for the game to switch from one tank to the next and then give control back to me.
  15. Thanks Aslain and Modder. Aslain, you hit the nail on the head, or stepped on the landmine. The issue is, that I have multiple hard drives with different images of the operating system. I have WoT loaded on one of the other images and for some reason, when I ran Aslains, it was picking up the other drive and image of the client. I hadn't updated that version of the WoT client, so Aslains was determining that the WoT client was the incorrect version. Your comment related to ensuring that I was picking the right client to update made me realize that I needed to check what Aslains was pointing to. Once the location was corrected, everything ran smoothly. Thanks for your help.
  16. I actually tried to uninstall the client and clean my system out from traces of it, and then finally reinstalled the game, fresh. I still get the same issue. I found the information you requested and have included it. Let me know what you think, or if there is some additional info that you need. Thanks. version.xml WargamingGameUpdater.log WargamingGameUpdater_host.log WoTLauncher_check_updates.log
  17. I keep getting an error when running Aslains (Latest version of Aslains), since the new WOT 1.1 update - "Unsuitable version of the installed client detected. Installer is intended for 1.1.0". The Aslains mod pack runs, but when I launch WoT, it is as though I hadn't run Aslains at all. None of the mods are there, and WoT runs in its natural state. I'm not sure what the issue is, but from the message that is displayed, it is as though Aslains sees my WoT client by another version number. This is my first time reporting issues on Aslains, so if I need to provide some additional info, please let me know what it is that you need and how to get it.
  18. There is something that gets messed up with the world of tanks client, even if it is just a minor change; such as the update of the garage for special dates like the 4th of July. That is, when you have the Aslan's mods in place. If you do a new install of Aslan's, you'll be able to get into the game and have XVM back. I've attached a log report showing what errors are going on. Hope this problem can be resolved. Sincerely Pavlov777 WoT_report.wgc WoTLauncher.log
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