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Everything posted by exarish

  1. v9.15.1.00 (28-07-2016):- initial version for WoT please note that in this WG update they changed actionscript from v2 to v3, that alone change affected many mods if you cannot find them that means they weren't updated and aren't working anymore.- split XVM from the rest of modpack (now you can install single mods without XVM and it's leftovers)- removed install option: Clean Install without XVM (obsolete)- many mods were updated, many disabled... the list is too long (wait for update) <<<<<<<<<<- greyed out mods are disabled untill I find new updates for them <<<<<<<<<
  2. oh I see, my mistake. I thought that was within the options for autoaim+, it's not, but next single mod after it. So all that does is tank highlights w/direction indicator right? A little research on this mod does find that it doesn't like to be used with other mods but as I've never used it I cannot say for sure. Some people have said it's the direction indicator causing it, maybe it can be disabled in the mod files to test as see?
  3. Weird, I never crash/freeze with this mod.... It must be a combination of mods that causes it rather than that single mod surely? Here's what I use: (played about 400 battles this month alone - 0 crashes) I see you use both XMQP service and 'check for updates in garage' - They both crashed game for me back in early June, since disabling - no issues. Not sure if they're still an issue but might be worth looking into. Also noticed you use extra info and block shooting at wrecks, I just use auto aim+ with disable VoiP with G key options. - the crashes might be within these options and explains why I don't suffer from them perhaps? idk... Just throwing ideas out there as it doesn't seem to be auto-aim+ outright otherwise I'd be crashing too? Hopefully someone will get to the bottom of it for you guys
  4. My apologies Aslain, I didn't read... It seems though, that I don't have such a folder on my system. (I scanned WoT dir. and my HDD both no results.) Not sure why this has happened but I know how to fix it, sadly though it means I have no logs as the issue can't be reproduced it seems. I think we'll put it down to an intermittent problem on my end. I'll re-install mod pack fixing logs issue and should it happen again I'll let you know. Apologies again, Keep up the awesome work
  5. Probably unrelated but... I am using V9.15.33 and use auto aim extender and honestly haven't had any issues/crashes/freezes (I did recently with XMQP Service and then 'checking for updates in garage' but since disabling, I've had no problems) Today however, I load up WoT and on the loading page (before login) I can't get passed 90% load without CTD 100% of the time. Tried to run the game in safe mode and it worked fine, so the issue resides within mods/connection to mods. Also tried fresh install of mod pack. I will try install without auto-aim extender but as I've been using it since 9.15 with no issues I'm reluctant to do so as I feel it's not the problem. (at least for me with my combo of mods.) I'm using the same mods I always use so nothing has changed in months beside mod pack updates, which the last one was a while ago now, been playing fine until today when boom I can't log in. On looking at the python log I see only 1 error: I'm not sure but it looks like Ekspoints is causing it. The only thing I use of his is the non-xvm hit log I believe. python.log _Aslains_Installer.log _Aslains_Installer_CompList.log _Aslains_Installer_Options.inf UPDATE: Murphey's Law! It's now working....I've been trying all sorts for 2+ hours now and 2 mins after I make a post it works....typical! Must have been communication issues.
  6. Yes but, as there was an update to Wot yesterday making the game into So in the case of the radial menu, you need to change the file structure in your custom mod folder from 0.9.15 to and will work again. Same applies to any other mods that use(d) the 0.9.15 structure. You can edit the name of the folders without unzipping, simply edit them in the Aslains_custom_mods folder.
  7. Glad you got it working and you're very welcome. Thanks guys
  8. Sure, What you want to do is; Re-create the file location that your custom file is located, (beginning with the 'res_mods' folder in WoT path) zip it up and place it into Aslains custom mods folder which does the rest for us First we need to locate the file - Search the WoT directory for the file you want: 'radialmenu.xml' go to properties and copy/paste it's location into a text document for easy access later. In my case the file is located here: C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\0.9.15\scripts\client\gui\scaleform\daapi\view\battle\'radialmenu.xml' • Create new folders inside each other naming the as you go along until the structure is duplicated (beginning with 'res_mods') • It should look like this: res_mods > 0.9.15 > scripts > client > gui > scaleform > daapi > view > battle • Place your custom 'radialmenu.xml' file in the last folder (battle) • Zip it up using a compression tool - Naming it anything memorable (I used WinRar - but make sure to put it into .zip/.7z format as only those will work.) • Place the named .zip into 'Aslains_Custom_Mods' folder in your WoT directory. (C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\Aslains_Custom_mods - in my case) • Install Mods as normal and the installer will automatically add your custom files at end of installation The same process works for other mods too just with their respective files/folder structures. N.B. One thing to remember though (not so much in the case of radial menu as it's just a text doc customize) but for other mods, if you edit files and use this method, your mods may become outdated eventually as your custom files will always overwrite the newer versions. Might be best to re-make every once and again to stay updated (or when you see your custom mod has been updated backup/copy/paste text/edits into the newer version and copy paste over your old one.) But this means you don't have to update every Aslains pack that doesn't update your choice of mods
  9. See Quaksen's posts on this thread, he helped me set up a way to fix that. Info here and the readme file located in 'Aslains_Custom_Mods' folder inside WoT path should explain it, but I can explain in more detail of needed. It's very easy to do.
  10. Artillery has it's own sub-section too. You can set custom radial menu's for global, highlighting ally/enemy, individual tank classes, maps or even a specific tank itself. Just look for the <SPGMenu> tags (line 275+ for me) then copy your command in there. I believe the commands work round clockwise as you go down the text file list positions. Depending what location on the radial menu you want it. Notepad++ allows you to collapse menu's, might help to locate the different tags you can use easier.
  11. Just tested my menu with your wording. Worked fine. That is the section for when your highlighted over enemy tanks though, could that be the problem maybe? The normal radial menu when just pressing 'Z' key is under the 'common commands' section. (lines 43-87) This is what I used: <Command> <Title>Say Hello!</Title> <Icon>Turnback</Icon> <Text> Say hello to my little friend!! %(name)s!</Text> <ChatMode>All</ChatMode> </Command>
  12. hmm, is it showing 'no config' for all the menu commands or the vanilla commands?
  13. Worked perfectly 1st time - Thank you so much - such a time saver ;D -SOLVED Feel free to close/lock thread. (if you guys do that) didn't see reply, sorry. - are you using notepad++ and saving doc after edit?
  14. That's Perfect! Thank you once again "C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\0.9.15\scripts\client\gui\scaleform\daapi\view\battle" - I use notepad++ to edit I didn't think of it that way tbh. Thanks for insight
  15. oh...my...god...I didn't know this was an option. Thank you so much! Just to clarify - I name them accordingly starting with 'Res_Mods/($file_directory)' zip and put in 'aslains_custom_mods' folder and select/install mods as usual? eg) "res_mods\configs\DamageLog\timer.cfg" - Zip that file structure? Thanks
  16. Morning Aslain. Firstly, as this is my first post, I wish to thank you for all the hard work you do to keep everything updated for us - keep up the good work My Situation: I currently use the GambitER damage panel (display of last hits received and by which ammo type.) and as the reload timer display is somewhat of a hot debate of whether it's allowed or not I disable the function in the 'timer.cfg' by turning 'enable' and 'animation' from 'true' to false'. Works with no issues. My request: Would it be possible to add a toggle below the check box for this mod to disable the reload timer? Similar to how I can disable player names. I know this may seem trivial but I use a few personally customized versions of mods ie.) my own radial menu commands and damage colours, so I'm finding myself editing more and more mods after each update (which can be every day at times) and I'm just curious if a toggle for this option is possible? Side note: Probably best for another request post, but I'd also like to see an option to backup custom radial menus and restore them after installing new mod pack versions rather than having to copy/paste it every update. ((I did see last update you added the radial menu editor though, haven't looked at it yet so sorry if that's a function already. Downloading pack now and looking at it.)) Thanks again
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