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Everything posted by TankSchu

  1. I'm not sure if it's an XVM bug or conflicting mod. Just posting to make aware of it now, and I'll test more later. In fog of war when going into battle, as the enemy appears sometimes tanks have the normal info above the tank, and sometimes it bugs out only showing the tank type icon. It also bugs out on the players panel for enemies. some tanks show in the list, most don't. And the length of the row varies depending if the tank has an HP over tank or not. Also note that viewing statistic form (tab) appears normal, but all else stays bugged.
  2. I tried using just {{dmg}}, and it works the way I want.
  3. Thank you for that. So if I'm assuming correctly, the only option I have is to group damage done per tank? Or could i just use the {{dmg}} macro?
  4. Ok, so I used to be able to edit the hitlog file and change 'groupHitsByPlayer' to false, then edit the displayed variables to record individual shots instead of grouped shots. So instead of '{{n-player}}', I'd change it to '{{n}}'. Same thing with '{{dmg-player}}' to '{{dmg}}'. However, now the variable has changed to '{{hitlog.n-player}}' and '{{hitlog.dmg-player}}'. Simply removing '-player' does disable the grouping of shots, but somehow makes the damage done number not display. I assume the variable I rename it to doesn't exist and because the damage received and damage done parts of the hitlog have been split up, it needed the new variables to reference each side of the hitlog. Did XFT add new variables and define them somewhere? or are these standard XVM variables that I don't know the right name for, and/or were changed? hitLog.xc
  5. I'm assuming that removes them from playerspanel, too.
  6. Is there a way to disable the contour icons in training rooms?
  7. would like to bump this. still happening in It's more of a nuisance, really, but I'd like to not be annoyed.
  8. The attached log files may not contain the issue as I've deselected a lot of mods just to make sure I had the bare minimum. But when launched into battle, press enter and chat window opens. If you start typing, nothing appears, and anything you tried to type will not submit after pressing enter. As I'm typing this, I just came to a thought that maybe some reason the text box gets un-selected, but I doubt that. Also, at some point during the battle and I'm not sure what triggers it, but the chat text box takes input again. python.log _Aslain_logs.zip
  9. worked perfectly. Thank you much.
  10. Since 9.15 I've been seeing a mod display new info on 'alt' and 'b'. Just under the fragcorrelation panel. I use Armegomen, and I'm not sure if that's it or not. The 'alt' key shows HP left on my hitlog, which is what I want. but now top center it shows an additional list under the teamHP pool. Also, when i press 'b', it shows the vehicle lists again but damage each tank has done. Where do I disable those?
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