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Posts posted by pabnchew

  1. First Aslain thanks for all your hard work and willingness to share it.


    Secondly apologies if this is the wrong place to post this.


    I noticed the latest patch doesn't have a Radial Menu mod.  I went to Locastan's site on the EU forum and it appears this patch seriously changed the chat system which affected the mod.  He later indicated he fixed it, but subsequent posters state it's still not working.


    I found a working version (I've used it for several games without issue), but the file path has changed considerably which is what I'm guessing the problem is as Locastan's download still has the old path.  But again I haven't tested his latest version.


    Here's a link to a thread by me on the NA forum (different game handle btw).  Again this is a workaround and a bit convoluted.  Hopefully this'll help you/etc...  to get it sorted out and maybe package it appropriately.




    Again Aslain thanks for all your hard work.

  2. Having sound issues.  Seems battle sounds are muted and sometimes normal.  Thought it might be my settings so I went to check them.  Nothing seemed changed, but when I hit

    OK I get the following message.


    Files for the selected notification voice are damaged or missing, notification voice will be set by default.




    Haven't installed any of the voice/sound mods off the pack and am running 3.9.4


    Any help/advice appreciated.


    Edit3:  See next post.


    EDIT:  Actually getting this on any garage setting as I'm not getting any interface sounds.


    Edit2:  After a WoT forum search I restarted - no change.  I then did a complete reboot (off then on) and the issue seems to be resolved.  Have interface sounds and now the battle sounds including crew voices are fine. 


    But when I hit OK on any of the settings panel in garage I get the same message although all sounds seem to be working.  Can not use the speaker icon to hear crew voices in garage although I can now hear them in battle.

    However, if I tweak settings in battle I don't get the message and the speaker icon for voices works in battle.


    Battle sounds seem fine now so while that message is annoying I'm gonna put up for it as long as things seem to be working.

  3. Aslain just tossing some info out there that may help you sort this out.


    Here's another fourm thread, but I don't think anything is in it that's not in the one you posted in earlier.




    I logged on immediately after the micropatch downtime and played on at least three different log in occassions without issues.


    Then sometime last night I (and the others) started having issues.


    Each re install would allow me to log onto game - actually I only reinstalled the modpack multiple times to see if that would work.   Partway through those reinstalls I decided to install carousel mod. 


    Since this morning I read and tried Roughnecks fix (renamed that daapi folder) and it's worked and the carousel mod is working as well without having to reinstall the modpack.


    Now something that might help explain it.


    When I first encountered the problem the first time the following.


    I hit my game client then Windows buttoned out to log into the fourm.  When I came back to the client launcher it had a message along the lines of update cancelled by user.  I clicked whatever button was there (can't recall) and it then put the START button up on the client.  When I clicked the start button that's when the issues began for me.


    Wondering if they stuck another update in even if it was just to the launcher after the earlier micropatch.  Or it may be that my exiting out via Windows key caused the update cancelled message.  However I routinely exit out after I start the launcher with the windows key to log in to forum, etc... while the launcher loads without issue.


    Hope some of that helps.

  4. Just the new lights and the rebalance in 9.3 (KV-1S split and Hellcat nerfs) seem pretty large (in comparison to most of the recent ones) to me.


    I just hope that the next patch doesn't require this much revamping of all the mods. It's nice when we get those updates when most of the mods still work.



    Killing stealth tanks is a built-in capability of the game, and therefore I do not see how updating the hit log to reflect those actions could in any way be considered a "cheat" or give an "advantage" since the game records and displays those same results.


    It's a built in capability of the game and when you kill him you get confirmation.  But if you are shooting at a non spotted enemy you don't know whether you hit him or not until you kill him.  Having your hits recorded would be confirming that you hit him when otherwise you wouldn't know if you hit or missed him.  Also it would further give confirmation as to his location.


    They've ruled that the damage announcer mods that show hits you take from unseen foes banned on the NA server for essentially the same reason.  That is why Aslain and most modpack authors have made an NA version which complies with that ruling.


    I don't see how this would be any different.

  6. While I agree if it recorded hits on unseen foes it would give you confirmation and an advantage, it is interesting to note that on the XBOX version when you hit any tank (or spot one as well) you get confirmation via the game that you hit it.  Even if it isn't spotted.


    At least it was that way I only played it for a week or two.  And then very sporadically, and that has been a few months ago.

  7. Was wondering if it might be something to do with this version being a dev one.   Thanks for a fast response.


    And disregard the earlier bit about the roster.  Not so much my eyes as my being old and resistant to change. 


    Starting to get used to the layout of the roster.  Already starting to get hooked on this one.


    Again good work on your mod pack and thanks for sharing Aslain.

  8. Just installed the 3.7.14_92 XVM version (double checked the file to be sure) and am geting this message in game.




    Seems to indicate I have the latest version by the message.  Also everything seems to be working fine.


    Or is there a 3.7.6 version out there?


    Figured it worth mentioning.


    Also another question.


    My old timer eyes have some trouble making out the vehicle roster.  Is there anyway to change that to something a little more age friendly?   Thinking of using the old file from the previous patch as I backed it up.  Just wondering file location, name and if that would work or foul up the rest of it.


    And while I normally update XVM myself I've been using your pack for awhile Aslain.  Keep up the good work.


    EDIT:  Just realized the previous version for 9.1 was 3.7.6 and this one is 3.7.14.


    Would this be because of the number sequencing.  Again I've ran several games without issue other than that message on login.

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