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Everything posted by 98whiteMC

  1. Is there a way to modify the highlight color or intensity on the battle loading screen?
  2. @bkc1965 - Thank you very much for the most reasonable and plausible explanation. That is all very good guidance for arty players.
  3. Here is Wargaming's response to my concern: Dear 98whiteMC, We will answer your two questions in the order presented. 1) No. There is no such official guide which breaks down the algorithm for XP calculation to the level of specificity that you desire (no algorithm can be provided to you, and the information on our Wiki is the most specific information available). 2) There is a small benefit to the team for increased damage dealt, however, in the case of one additional vehicle being destroyed, this bonus is exceedingly minor compared to the very large bonus provided for winning the match itself. We hope this clears up any confusion. If you need any additional assistance, please let us know. Best Regards, Daniel Hewitt Wargaming America Support
  4. I did find this in Wiki. http://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Battle_Mechanics#Capturing_the_Base You will NOT get experience for: 9) A specific bonus for "killing all enemy tanks" does not exist, but as listed above, the entire team receives more XP the more damage to enemy tanks is inflicted by the team (see "Team performance factor"). And This: Team performance factor Coefficient based on the total damage inflicted to the enemy team by your team And This: Victory Coefficient of 1.5 The "Joining a battle" reward is multiplied by 1.85. No bonus to other rewards earned during the battle. The simple fact that the 'Coefficient' for overall team damage is not specified leads me to believe it is infinitesimal. So, until WG offers some clarification I believe it is much better to cap and thereby ensure the win if possible, then to risk losing the battle so several people gain a little more xp. Winning Guarantees ALL team members a 50% Xp bonus, as well as a Silver bonus.
  5. Does anyone have a link for an official explanation of how capturing the base affects the amount / distribution of Xp to players? I see an ever increasing rise in team damage, team kill, hate chat, after game hate messages, and so on for being in cap. The most common reasons are; 1) We get more Xp for killing all then we do for capping. 2) You should let 'Player name' get Top Gun or High Caliber. What I do know is we get a lot more Xp for winning then losing. Therefore, risking a win for any reason doesn't make sense to me. I would just like to know for sure how base capture impacts allocation of Xp.
  6. Well now I'm confused......It was totally gone after the update, then it was restored incrementally. This led me to believe that initially (with 9.8.1) WG made the real-estate unavailable, then with the next micro-patch opened it back up. After that, a modpack update gave me the first 2 lines, then days later I get the remaining 2 lines of data. Then I saw someone thank Aslain for bringing it back. So I had no idea what the real deal is, hence the question.
  7. Credits Total turns RED if negative. Can it be made GREEN all other times?
  8. Thanks for pointing that out Quaksen. I didn't realize I could edit json files. In any event it kinda worked, but not in an acceptable manner. In the installer, I chose to ONLY show enemy direction. Depending on which key code I insert in the json file it either turns on JUST ally lines, or BOTH ally and enemy lines, and once it has been activated, I cannot make them go away. The message pops up saying it has been turned off, but the lines stay. Clearly it is ignoring my selection via installer. So do you think I did something wrong, or maybe it only works with XVM minimap (I us Locastan)? Quoted from author's page "ability to define a toggle key code to (permanently) turn the mod on or off with it (you need to press and hold the key during the battle, off by default as it could bring some performance penalty"
  9. Aslain, Is there any way you can fix tank view extended to support a toggle key? It is too much info for me most of the time, and makes it hard to glance at mini map and find ME. It would be nice if I could just 'turn it on' when I need it. I looked at author's page and he said it has support for that, but it's turned off by default. I looked on my system and can't find any editable config file.
  10. Grandorf, Do you know how accurate Trillix is? My understanding (dated mind you) is that decompiling is not really an exact science. Is the WoT flash coding so simple that Trillix will most certainly work? I'm asking because I would like to try some simple modifications, but don't really want to spend $79 unless I'm pretty sure it will work. The demo version is useless. (can't save changes) Thanks
  11. I restarted my computer and everything works fine now :huh: Best guess is some kind of memory leak fouled things up.
  12. Gambit ER damage panel used to show tank names under the Alt key. It hasn't been there since 9.8 I think. Is there any way to get that back? I found that very useful.
  13. drink plenty vodka - get good rest....Hmmmm :D
  14. I have a dislike for arty for better or worse. That is not the point of this post. I simply want to know if this happens to everyone, or just me. I finally find a target, he is sitting perfectly still, and I wait for the aim circle to completely close (6 - 15 seconds), then CLICK, and he takes off. It's as if sixth sense is warning him that I pulled trigger instead of warning him when he is spotted. If however, I shoot before the aim circle is fully closed the shot ALWAYS misses as bad as is possible, even at a range of 25 metres. It happens very often (to the point where long-ago I just stopped playing arty. So, does this happen to anyone else?
  15. Started in version .11 - Focus will not leave tank unless you swing 45 or 50 degrees. Makes it impossible to aim manually and usually results in getting killed because you can't hit enemy tank unless he exposes center of hull. (not very likely) Reverted back to ver .10 of ModPack and it works fine there. First reported in Shoutbox by others. It is terrible little glitch
  16. okay thanks Aslain. I guess the installer thing is harmless huh? Just thought you'd like to be aware of the change. :)
  17. Still same behavior with .11 Takes almost 30 seconds for installer to close, and no redirection to patron page.
  18. No - Installer would always redirect me to your website page where donations can be made.
  19. Noticed with last several versions (maybe since 9.8.1) that when install is finished it takes 30 or more seconds for the application to close, and I am no longer redirected to the the website. Used to get redirected no matter whether box was checked or not.
  20. Exactly - confusion caused by wording in installer. What a time-saver this is. No more accidentally entering battle without being properly equipped either :) Thanks to XVM folks and to Aslain for finding and including this in ModPack
  21. except it doesn't do any of what you described on my game
  22. How does it work? I installed it but I have no idea of how to "turn it on", or "use it", or whether it does anything or not.
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