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Everything posted by Golza

  1. Hi, i ve upgraded my SSD recently but was unable to clone it, so im reinstalling everything. My question is: Where are the mod settings stored, cuz with the new install i will have to save again every tank i already set on the old game, and its a lot... THX
  2. Can u add a right-click "demount all" option. Sometimes equipmnet gets "bouncing" between 2 tanks while a second is sitting on a third tank
  3. Cant choose another tank, cant enter batlle, played harbringer died and its stak on it in the garage Update: i had to reset the tank filter in the normal garage
  4. Hi i would like to ask a mod where u can assign the combat reerves to a group of vehicles by selecting from a list like u do in xp conversion or tank compare.
  5. Could u make this addon for for the players list?
  6. Hi, i would like to request 2 mods. 1st a Frontline mod to see which front how many enemies has. Cuz when i see that the enemies are migrating from my front but idk where, there is only a 50-50 chance to go where im needed 2nd a Black list mod where i can rename my blacklist members so i could klnow why did i blacklist it, bot-pusher-TK etc
  7. With that button u can turn on/off the tank symbols during battle. So when its off just push that button to turn them on again
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