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  1. I tried the edit again. I think the problem was the editor of choice. This time around I first opened the xml with Notepad and it failed the same way. Right after that I simply opened the xml with Wordpad, the edits were already in there so I just saved it and it worked, no stalling/freezing at loading screen. I will say I found that 0.0 values were too abrupt and made aiming difficult at times; 0.1 for both zoom-in and zoom-out were comfortable though imo.
  2. I was using the same mods during the phase when this camerasConsumer.xml modification worked as the phase when it stopped working and stalled out at the loading screen. And this begs the question: what mods could possibly be incompatible with a simple xml edit, anyways? (And again, one that used to work and now doesn't....with the same Aslain mods used; and I only did this one particular, prescribed xml edit........)
  3. All ship modifications on one page in-game? Consumables, flags, camo, captain skills on one page with stats they affect shown changing in realtime as you add/remove/change these items? Sounds good to me. Any criticisms?
  4. Tried this, still failed again the same way: stalling at 75% "Loading Game". Not sure why it worked for a few weeks then got touchy about the camerasConsumer.xml file being modified.... Strange, right? Would still love to see this as a mod that shows in-game so you can alter zoom-in/out speed between battles like you do your flags, etc. Could be huge. Not sure why no one's biting on this one.
  5. So here's what would show as the speed if set in units of km/min instead (with ridiculous mental math in NM/hour->yards/min shown next to it, cuz yards=m, yannow): 40 knots: 1.23467 km/min (forget it, yards and nautical miles are some bs, u gotta be trolling) 35 knots: 1.08033 km/min 30 knots: 0.926 km/min 25 knots: 0.771667 km/min 20 knots: 0.617333 km/min 15 knots: 0.463 km/min 10 knots: 0.308667 km/min 5 knots: 0.154333 km/min Reasoning being that I want to know how far I can get in the next minute towards an enemy which has **KM stated above their name**, and matches don't last an hour so let's shift the unit to something useful instead of arbitrarily "nautically themed" (aesthetics mods over utility mods???? really?)...... Kinda bugs me how this intuitive utility was brushed off with a recommendation to "calculate it in your head". Mods are mods for a reason, right? To do things like this, right? ***A mod could go one step further and show above the enemy ship how much time it would take to reach them at the current speed*** That might make for a juicier mod. Get all your programming testes on swole. Google can do it, just add it as a speed-unit choice mod. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=QhmsXIb3B8fZjgSsx5CoDw&q=convert+knots+to+km%2Fmin&btnK=Google+Search&oq=convert+knots+to+km%2Fmin&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30.100.5600..6700...1.0..0.200.2200.4j18j2......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i131j0j0i10j0i22i10i30.rX1mRfCdWUk
  6. This worked great for a while then suddenly it caused sign-in issues. There's a loading page before it shows your sign-in email address and password entry and would stall at 75% there. When I ran the support-fix it undid these zoomin/zoomout changes and started up normally. Any chance this could be added as a mod so "all this work" could be skipped and errors of this sort are avoided? Feels great with the faster zooming.
  7. Export Single Image of 4 Post-Battle Stats: Create a compilation image of all four post-battle statistics pages. Allow for option of all-horizontal (left to right), all-vertical (top to bottom), or 2x2 grid. Or even all 4 separately or checkbox for "only page: 1/2/3/4". Make a manual and auto-capture option and choice of default Save To directory. Etc.
  8. Sounds easy...for someone that programs. :/ Um, I guess that's why I'm requesting the mod, heheh, just seeing if it blooms in someone else's mind's eye and they go for it. That said, I have a suite of other inspired mod requests in my post history. Maybe they're just as easy or worthy of the employment of someone's abilities? (really hopes) Cheers.
  9. Zoom: Faster to Instant; make the animation shorter or non-existant when zooming in and out.
  10. If I were to state it more clearly, the idea is to put the changeable elements like Modules, Upgrades, Consumables, Flags, Camos, Captain Skills, Ship-Armor/Stat-dropdowns all on a single page interface (we've all had to flag-up and add consumables etc before a clan battle and getting it on a single page might speed that up). Then just highlight a change or new potential configuration if you want to make multiple changes including data not shown in game for things like flags/camos, upgrades, and their affect on stats/range/fire%chance, etc ( https://www.wowsft.com/shipStatComparison ). Could really speed up the port interactions.
  11. Ah ok, yea there's that direct authorship known for that particular app. There's also the online sites that have stats which run their own PR (Personal Rating) calculation by picking data directly from WoWs (https://na.wows-numbers.com/). I suppose I was just tossing this recommendation out into the ether. So how does this work; kind of like a community billboard for anyone that programs to walk past and pick out an idea if they so choose? I don't want to seem like I'm demanding anything unduly...just thinking up a concept and seeing if it sticks for anyone capable enough to bring it to fruition.
  12. So a mod would just state that calculation explicitly. Isn't this what mods are for? If we just said "nah it's fine the way it is"...no one would make mods because we're just supposed to figure one thing or another out or remember everything....
  13. Nautical Miles and NM-per-time could be another choice within a mod like this. You could have your preferred rate of speed and distance with this. Knots just seems arbitrary and lacking usefulness other than that it comes out to nice round numbers (20-25-30-etc). But thinking to yourself that you're going "quarter/half/full speed" isn't helpful. Right here you could rather easily understand that, for example, you're within 7km of another BB and want to keep enough space, you'd be better able to gage this with km/min than with knots. A rate of speed of "grid-per-minute" could be used, too, for enemy distance, as well (big chunkin' it!) So the idea behind this is squaring off units so they meaningfully interface with eachother. Km/s would be too granular so km/min would get you right about someplace useful when comparing your own speed to a target's distance away as well as their own assumed/known/perceived speed. Knowing where you or an opponent with X-speed will be on the minimap's grid in a minute or "half that" or "twice that" as quick mental calculations would allow; it'd become second nature; consider this in regard to AP being more effective at a certain distance, so for timing purposes. But with Knots...you can't really intuitively gage how far you'll be able to travel in a certain amount of time. If you can measure a distance to a landmark with your reticle or the minimap's grid, you could tell if you'll be able to reach that point in x amount of time. I still don't think I could tell anyone how far I'd be able to travel, for example, in 2 minutes, or how long it would take to go 4 km around the edge of a called out island. I'm thinking this could tighten up coordination. ***ADDITION*** That said, here's a new mod idea: In the minimap, allow for your cursor to show distance and time to reach the location of your mouse while moving it. It would be a running calculation that updates quickly so you can see exactly how far away any point is in relation to your present location. Sorry for wordiness, I'm just thinking things out and trying to be extra clear; no offense/condescension/etc. meant.
  14. Apply "Matchmaking Monitor" Data To Players' Overhead Name In-Game: show the color of their rating somehow (keep HP bars green/red for teammates/enemies, or use some other differentiator for teammate/enemy while using their Rating color as their HP bar color, etc.) along with a choice of visible overall-WR%/Avgdamage, ship-WR%/Avgdamage, etc.
  15. I'm just looking for a clean and easy-read revision of the available info. Making the (self) and (enemy) Info panels line up in a single box could be the answer for that. Or, just the revisions as stated above. Any critique of this is welcome. Like why this isn't justified for those that use it, etc.
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