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Everything posted by John11

  1. sorry thought was something else cos it was saying debug panel
  2. battleLabelsDebugPanel.xcbattleLabels.xc the only extra thing i got installed is your info panels
  3. what should i do then for now remove it or just wait for the fix
  4. getting this xvm battlelabelsdebugpanel.xc error Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  5. i got it to work now using v1 but how can i move it down in sniper mode
  6. your installation guide about adding "infoPanel": ${"infoPanel.xc":"infoPanel"} to @xvm.xc i get xvm error on game start object: "}" expected got "infoPanel" at 193:3 in "res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain|@xvm.xc
  7. its showing unavailable if i highlight it or if i click it i get sorry there is a problem and this attachment is not available
  8. i cant find infopanel.py or info panel data.py from that link
  9. there is a updated version on the wg mod portal and that does not work either so its removed for now
  10. is that in the modpack? i cant remember o yes i think it is cos i asked for it to be added lol i think aslain forgot to update it
  11. what difference is this from the one that's in the modpack
  12. found it i must of pasted a colour code under shadow after true, part all is working fine now thank god for that and thanks for your time and help on this
  13. what do you use to open that xc file?
  14. illegal character "E" at 31:25 in"res_mods\configs\xvm\aslein\markersalivenormal.xc
  15. why the hell is it not working for me then?? i copied that def text like you got it and pasted in markersAliveNormal.xc and i am getting nothing
  16. i dont now if its me but that new def file you gave me does not work i just pasted that in markersAliveNormal.xc and got nothing no tankicons not even in black :-( and i get the red xvm error on battle start
  17. am i doing this wrong? color='{{vtype-key=HT?#DD4444|{{vtype-key=SPG?#EE33FF|{{vtype-key=MT?#FFCC22|{{vtype-key=LT?#99FF44|{{c:vtype}}}}'>{{vtype-key=LT?&#x3A;|{{vtype-key=MT?&#x3B;|{{vtype-key=HT?&#x3F;|{{vtype-key=TD?&#x2E;|{{vtype-key=SPG?&#x2D;}}}}}}}}}}</font>"
  18. right i have now scraped the colors.xc file gone back to default i am using the last def you gave me with the red colour code i found and now the red is a darker red so if i wanted to change the rest of the tankclass icon colours how do i setup the def to change the rest of them and how can i found out that them colour codes translate to the colours i need and this is what i changed in the colors.xc
  19. how can i find out what when colour codes mean in colors.xc i found a darker red code 0xDD4444 to use for the HT
  20. well we have managed to get that class icon from green to what i wanted in coloured ones anyway but i just cant get that red darker so i give up anyway to change anything in colors.xc
  21. yes i now what you mean by i use coloured contour icons but i had the class icon at the bottom witch was all green and just wanted to change from green to the class coloured ones i already have that's all and if i could change them from green then brilliant
  22. right your new def file worked just need to change the rest now
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