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  1. I restarted it a few times, the same i did with clearing, instaling, .. Still the same
  2. Hi. I have problem with neverending connecting of clan chat. I had version v1.11.0.0 #12, and problem started since last week, co I updated it to version #18... but problem persists. If I lauch game with mod - onnecting. If I launch game in safe mod - Connecting. If I clear cache folder and launch it without installing mods - OK. But i wanna play with mods, I need it for my comfortable playing. So what shall I do ? thx for help. Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  3. weird... i came from work, did not nothing with it and it works normally... but ok, I will remove it
  4. Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  5. Hi. I have problem with this. The garage cannot load. And it takes so long. All I can do is only exit the game and start in in save mode. But I ant wanna play in save mode, I wanna use all functions in modpack. Thanks for every advice and help
  6. Oh, I see... And I all time thought it is made by some sounds mod, cuz one-liner of Czech crew from movies i still didnt hear... maybe it doesnt work in FL too should I turn off just auto-mount consumables or i must turn off all auto-mount by Auxilium ?
  7. Hi. I have one big problem in FL that is annoying me f***ng a lot. I can’t use consumables in FL, i’m able to see them in garage but when i go to the FL battle I can’t see them nor use them... I dont know, if I have bad settings of modpack or some of mods is crashed, but I need help... Thx
  8. I have another problem in FL. I can’t use consumables in FL, i’m able to see them in garage but when i go to the FL battle I can’t see them nor use them
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