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Posts posted by balexandre

  1. Just a suggestion so we have all in just one place, as the list is already big and not that easy to navigate on it's own (though as a treeview, I really have no suggestions on doing better)...

    but how about move this:



    into the Damage Log area?



    I DO understand why it's not there right now, cause the dmg log area is in the "Non-XVM mods" list... but it makes so much sense to be there instead :)

    It's just an opinion, nothing more. :)



  2. Guys, I'm missing the icons for the minimap when enemy get's out of spoting, all I have is their tank/player name...



    same if I choose any "spoted tanks" mod (that shows the icon is enemy is spotted or not in the players panel), none shows and I'm almost sure I'm missing the icons for it ...

    I've already installed the Required fonts that we can find the download link in the modpack download page... installed as admin and everything .... but as you can see form that image, does not help :( 

    Does anyone know what am I missing?

  3. 17 minutes ago, Aslain said:


    Yeah :) I will change it to 10 sec.



    did the same, remember it's in more than one place... global settings and for each battle type, :) or simply remove the setting on each battle type.


    just remove all from each battle type:

                <!-- Cooldown parameters -->


    • Upvote 1
  4. Good idea ... found the configuration checking the log file :)

    that cooldown period of 60 seconds is really bad



    file location from log:

    2016-07-07 20:31:54.075   Dest filename: E:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\configs\spotmessanger\spotmessanger.xml
    2016-07-07 20:31:54.075   Time stamp of our file: 2016-06-29 16:57:56.000
    2016-07-07 20:31:54.075   Installing the file.
    2016-07-07 20:31:54.078   Successfully installed the file.


  5. I like to tell the team (specially in CW's/SH's as I don't use mic - baby always asleep on those hours) that I'm spotted...


    but the last mod on this modpack has a weird configuration that I can't "decode"...


    all files that have a name close to the spotted message, are compiled python files (.pyc), and I can't find any .xml file with same settings to tweak :(


    The biggest issue is that is does not report spoting if they are to close to each other, and "cooldown" delays start to happen ... 




    I just want to tell my platton or team (CW/SH) that I'm spotted, even if that happens 10 times in 30 sec... I don't want any cooldown... this is driving me nuts :(



    Anyone knows is there's any configuration available?



  6. Hi all,

    I'm trying to have, in the garage carousel, the damage needed for the next Mark of Excellence in that tank...

    like the data we can see in VbAddict MoE page:






    to show the total percentage for MoE the code is:

      "x": 120, 
      "y": 60, 
      "format": "<font face='$FieldFont' size='12' color='{{v.c_damageRating}}'>{{v.damageRating%4.2f~%}}</font>",
      "shadow": { 
        "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 0.8, "blur": 2, "strength": 5, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 }



    Is there any macro to show the dmg amount for the next mark? In this case, it should say "1250" as the next value is for the 3rd mark...

  7. I would love to have the option to see the Marks of Excellence instead the current option


    XVM Code for it under `markersAliveNormal.xc` should be:

      "name": "Marks Excellence",
      "visible": true,
      "x": -10,
      "y": -11,
      "alpha": 100,
      "color": null,
      "shadow": {
        "alpha": 100,
        "color": "0x000000",
        "angle": 0,
        "distance": 0,
        "size": 2,
        "strength": 400
      "format": "{{marksOnGun}}"

    and the marksOnGun can be set as

    "marksOnGun": {
      "_0": "<img src='xvmres://xfticons/marks0.png' width='32' height='10'>",
      "_1": "<img src='xvmres://xfticons/marks1.png' width='32' height='10'>",
      "_2": "<img src='xvmres://xfticons/marks2.png' width='32' height='10'>",
      "_3": "<img src='xvmres://xfticons/marks3.png' width='32' height='10'>"

    The code is using Xft icons, that I'm attaching to this post.



    example showing the MoE with Xtf config:






    Thank you!







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