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  1. I'm not sure when, but there used to be a zoom mod that would allow you to zoom out while in sniper mode, to around 0.8x normal zoom, but it seems that has been removed. I found it useful for very close range fights. Is there any chance that it will be reintroduced? Currently the minimum sniper zoom you can get from the modpack is 1.6, which is in the same option as the ones that go over 30x max zoom which are prohibited on NA and Asia.
  2. There used to be an option to not have this feature, however now it seems that it's not an option any more. Could we get it back?
  3. Not sure whether I can edit the title, but I've solved my problem. I added this code into my colors.xc file If anyone else is trying to replicate this, the colours that "def.colorRating.X" is referring to are defined at the top of this same file, found in \World of Tanks\res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain. I don't remember what the default colours are called, but the easiest way to do this is to just copy another section from the same file, for example the win rate section, and just rename it to the damageRating section. You don't need 10 entries in the scale, I just modified Aslain's colour scheme myself to have a 10 colour scale. Thanks for the help, Grandorf.
  4. I've been looking around and tried my luck with "userInfo.xc" "showExtraDataInProfile" was set to false before, but I've just changed it to true to see if it fixes the problem, but I've not noticed any changes in-game.
  5. Going to bump this instead of posting the thread again, as I think Aslain was on holiday when I originally posted. If I can find where the code is that puts the stats in one's service history, I should be able to find out why mine is not working.
  6. I've already made my own colour scale by modifying the code in the colors.xc file in \res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain and have moved around the positions a bit in carousel.xc, but I would like to change two more things which I have not been able to find yet. The first thing is the colour scheme for the mark of excellence in the carousel, i.e. the damage ratio over the last 100 games that awards a gun mark at 65/85/95%. I would like to redefine when the number changes colour so it fits in with my colour scheme better, but I can't find where it's defined. The second thing is to find where XVM shows some stats like WN8, efficiency, average tier etc. and colours the win rate on each tank in the service record. I've drawn a picture to illustrate what I mean in another thread: http://i.imgur.com/ibdR9Ww.png. For whatever reason, my client does not show this information to me anymore (it hasn't for a while now) and I can't figure out why. Does anyone know which part of code or even which file defines whether this loads or not? I've already asked in another thread and Aslain has confirmed that my setup should show these stats:
  7. The stats work fine in game, they just do not show up in my or anyone else's service record. My setup showed those stats in the service record for you? I'll clear the cache and see if it work.
  8. I thought it must have been me screwing it up. I just didn't know which one I needed to install! _Aslain_logs.zip python.log
  9. Kind of like this: (quickly made in paint)
  10. I have YasenKrasen's session stats installed yeah, but that's not what I meant. I meant that it just shows the player's overall WN8 when you look at their service record, as well as the win rates of each of their tanks being colour coded etc.
  11. I used to be able to see WN8 of a player (including myself) by going to their service record, as well as a few other things like having win rate coloured by percentile (57-63 was blue, 64+ purple or something). Has this been removed or am I just not ticking the right box?
  12. Would it be possible for the installer to always show all mods, regardless of whether they are currently included in the modpack or not? When there is not an up to date version of the mod, simply have it with a greyed out tickbox just to show that it will not be installed. This way we can see which mods we will be missing more easily.
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