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Everything posted by adman22

  1. I don't get it? Can I install the mod without cheating? I don't want to be a cheat and if it's illegal I won't use it but how do I know? Maybe I should give it a miss if there's doubt as to whether its cheating or not. It would be a handy mod but I don't want it bad enough to cheat or be accused of cheating. How do I find out?
  2. Id love a mod that automatically fixed my ammo-rack if I had a repair kit available. Often when I'm in the middle of a brawl I get ammo-racked and I find it hard to repair it before the brawl is over. This sometimes saves me the cost of the repair kit as I die before I get a chance the use it but I'd rather have my ammo-rack fixed as soon as it's damaged so my reload time isn't affected just when I need it the most. I know nothing about coding but would love it if some smart person made such a mod.
  3. what about color intensity as my eyesight is not what it once was as sometimes I have difficulty spotting the outline, especially when its against a multi-colored or multi-textured background like trees or rubble. It would be great to have something to make the outline of the tank stand out better, only for tanks that are already spotted though, tanks should still be able hide behind bushs etc.
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