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Everything posted by FullTank

  1. I think that will be a good start in figuring this out. If I find it, I will create a new post, so you can close this thread. Thanks for the help.
  2. I have a intermittent issue that has proven hard to find, maybe once a night the game will stop at the battle loading screen. Clock keeps going, but never loads in battle. Alt + F4 and a restart loads into battle right away. So I need to figure out which mod, or mod combo is causing this. 1. What is the name and location of the file that stores which mods you have selected? This way I can back it up and restore it when I figure the issue, so I don't have to re-select each mod. 2. Is there a log file that runs during the game that tracks which mods loaded? This would tell me which one it is getting stuck on. 3. Any idea which mod types I should look at first? Thanks for any help in figuring this out. The issue has been going on for a while now and I have tried updating Aslain's many times, reinstalled WoT, changed WoT settings, and searched.
  3. The check boxes are boxes and circles. It just seems to be box, circle, box,circle, alternating. Maybe use boxes if there are sub-options, and circles if no sub-options. Or circles if it over rids another option, no matter where it is. Some boxes use a checkmark, and some are filled in. Circles use a dot. This seems inconsistent and meaningless or just for looks. Not sure what to do, but at least use checkmarks or filled in boxes, but not both without reason. The blue checkmark is nice and does stand out though. ability to preview mods without losing selected checkboxes to select a mod, you have to click on checkbox instead of the whole line I like this change, as you pointed out, you can preview mods without losing your selection. BTW, why isn't the preview checkbox selected by default. Do most not want to see them? new mods and options will be marked with bold font style This is another nice change. I wish there was a simple search that would just highlight all occurrences of a match. So if I type "damage" it will highlight in yellow all words with damage in them. Then I could just scroll up or down to find things like damage panels. And I wish there was an option to sort (not filter) the XVM garage by tier. I know I can do it in XVM, but I got tired of doing it every time I updated your mod pack. And I never got your file over ride option working.
  4. Thanks for telling me it is Smoke Circles causing it. I didn't know it installed outside of res_mods. Also, unless it says so, I don't know which mods use hud_lib. Prior to 8.5.1, I had also used smoke circles without issues. Good thing it will be part of the game in 5.9. Thanks for your help.
  5. v5.8.1.00 (12-07-2016) [don't install if your server was not updated to !!!] - initial/test version for WoWs [might be buggy, unstable etc.]. ... Is this what you are referring to, as I read your change logs every time, and have now read them twice over? Or are you referring to Hud_lib conflicts? As I have had Hud_Lib conflicts before without it corrupting the game and causing a critical error. And I didn't think buggy/unstable meant might corrupt the core game. But that aside, has it been fixed, or how can I avoid corrupting my game again?
  6. But where is the critical error coming from? Do any of these modify files outside of res_mods?
  7. I also have this problem. What I know so far. Deleting folder does not fix it. Reinstalling and running without mods did fix it. Rerunning Aslains caused the problem again. I am now running the game check to see if that will fix it Edit - Game integrity check, and no mods after that, did fix it. I think I will skip Aslains until we know what is causing it As I have spent over two hours on this already. _Aslain_logs.zip
  8. OK, played tonight without gun markers, and without over target markers. That setup was fine. So one of those two was/is causing it.
  9. So far, I only know that smoke rings by themselves do not cause problems. I will try everything but gun markers next.
  10. This has been with every 5.7 mod pack, but last tested with Aslain's WoWS ModPack v5.7.0.04 The problem doesn't show up right away, but takes a battle or two. When it happens you will not have gun markers, but still have gun sights. So you won't know where your guns are pointed. Also when it happens you can't click on buttons with the left mouse button, like the "i" in the lower right in port to see your game info, or the accept button if you go to settings. The enter key or spacebar will work for selecting a button if it is highlighted. This has happened every time to me, and with .00, .02, and now .04 I just want to mention again that it doesn't happen right away. So maybe an end battle condition, winning or losing, or leaving battle condition may cause it. Not sure what else to mention. _Aslain_logs.zip
  11. GlareMasters, it only adds one variable (the version number) to each entry. Below is an example using made up numbers. - gun sounds by Gnomefather (4.6.25) - chat_filter mod (4.6.12) - Johny_Bafak's Vertical Techtree v0.72 (4.6.18) - Direction Indicator by ZJ (4.6.27) - Tank Lamps (toggle: F2 key) (4.6.21) - Info Panel by masheene (languages: EN, PL, FR, DE) (4.6.20) - Armour Penetration Indicator by lelicopter & lportii (4.6.22) Then depending on your installed version, maybe the top and middle lines would be highlighted in color. But alas the freeware installer Aslain is using (Inno Setup) does not have this capability to highlight, although the version number would still be helpful.
  12. Simply put I would like something that highlights the changes since the last update. So when it says "- added Armour Penetration Indicator by lelicopter & lportii" in the installer it would be highlighted in yellow per say. I know this may not be easy at first. You would need to keep track of which version they have. And then for each line/item in the installer you would need a version number attached somehow, hidden or not from the end user. Then the installer just colors the text of any lines that have a higher version number then their previously installed version. The exception would be if there is no previous version installed, then do not highlight any lines. This could even be used to create your update forum posts. I know this might be a project. So maybe best to start with 10.0 of WoT. Since you will be adding all lines then. I know I have simplified, and there is more to it. But this would help a lot as I spent half an hour today just trying to find one thing you added, and that is typical. Great mod pack, and if you can't do it, it is still a great mod pack.
  13. Maybe the preview picture needs a warning on it as well? Or a popup warning? I haven't had the problem though.
  14. I don't see anything special in this. Have you tried Team Roughnecks sight, or Meltymaps? Roughnecks gives you a green, yellow, red armor pen indicator (without angles).
  15. OK, that made me laugh. I was thinking the search would be useful for a while, but figured it would be extra coding for perhaps not much usage. Although... maybe if he could color code his updates. Yellow text for updated, green for added. Best would be dynamic coloring based on the version you are updating from. But even static updating with just the last changes would be useful. BTW, I give thanks to you Quaksen and to Aslain for keeping this mod pack going. I appreciate it.
  16. Well, that is embarrassing. Sorry I missed it. Thanks. Is there any way to search the options page?
  17. This Hangman garage manager seems pretty cool. Could it be added? http://www.goofy67-wot.de/hangman-english.php
  18. Thanks, I did not know about that. :) I will give it a shot, if I can figure out how to add paths to a zip in 7zip...
  19. Could you create an option so that safeshot does not display the TankName, You are blocking my shot? I have to manually edit safeshot.xml every time I update. Also I often see this in pub matches and it just adds chat clutter, and people often ask me how to turn it off. Thanks -----World of Tanks\res_mods\0.9.10\scripts\client\gui\mods\SafeShot.xml <safeShotSetting> <disableKey>KEY_LALT</disableKey> <toggledDisableKey>false</toggledDisableKey> <teamShot>true</teamShot> <toggleMessage>false</toggleMessage> <textMessage></textMessage> <deadShot>true</deadShot> <deadShotTime>2.5</deadShotTime> <longShot>true</longShot> <longShotTime>4.0</longShotTime> </safeShotSetting>
  20. I would also like to see this. Every time I update I change the file as below. // "nation", "type", "level", "maxBattleTier", "premium", "-level", "-maxBattleTier", "-premium" "sorting_criteria": ["level", "type", "nation"], And I know a couple of people in my clan would like this as they are too lazy to edit each time. Oh, the title to this thread is not quite right. This isn't a filter, but instead changes the default garage tank order. This makes it so most of the time I don't need filters.
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