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Everything posted by Battlenat0r

  1. v6.2.2 #02 (23-03-2017): - updated Detailed Damage Indicator Is it just me, or isnt this mod working as intended yet? Previous version there was damage log of damage taken and damage given... for me now the mod only shows the clock. Aslains_WoWs_Logs.zip
  2. Okey I will try it out. Don't think it looks blurry, might be some settings that does it or blur the quality. But doesn't matter eitherway, the issue is FPS stutter and low FPS. Even 7700K, 64GB and two 1080's in SLI doesn't help at all... hopefully DX11 will fix it.
  3. Don't know which file(s) to edit and check if it works. If I do that, Aslain will NOT add two different resolution 1080p and 1440p. Things don't get blurry when 1440p or 4K.. Have you tried, because it's pretty clear and unblurry.
  4. Screenshot takes the native resolution if I set it in the background, If I want it to take 4K it can, but it runs at 1440p. No things doesn't look blurry.
  5. Have a 4K monitor yes, but run WoWs at 1440p and same with the desktop in borderless. So it doesn't run in 4K.
  6. Okey, so make a comment on the MOD, saying it only works for 1080p Resolution. Too bad tho.. would have liked one for 1440p...
  7. Sooooo let's try this again..... Your MODPACK only! Compass mod doesnt work as intended, hence should be fixed. Aslains_WoWs_Logs.zip
  8. as long as they dont overwrite your battle_layout etc... it doesnt matter
  9. I cant provide logs since I use multiple mods, and installing different things. So providing logs wouldnt matter. But this issue should be fixed either way.. been like this for months..
  10. sooo, any chance of fixing this?
  11. Why do I always have this issue, been in previous versions also... The controls are displayed over the abilities. Is it a resolution thing or haven't you updated it?
  12. If you use 2 rows it's displayed correctly.. 4 or 4, you get a display bug. _Aslain_logs.zip _Aslains_Installer_CompList.log nvm, worked deleting cache and getting a newer file.. was a different version in the cache folder.
  13. Looks like I found it... Atmaxx New Shark Icon, found out where I got it from. Any change you can include them? http://57458045.swh.strato-hosting.eu/2017/02/20/0-6-1-1_modcom_modpack_v2/
  14. Then there is BADoBEST V2 compability issues, because I have the same exact mods just replaced with Hakabase V1. Screenshot is Hakabase V1, btw you get the top bar either way, works just fine. Don't need BADoBEST V2 for it to work.
  15. I'm talking about Player Panels. When using BADoBEST v2 before back in like a 5 month ago you could have contour icons displayed and not be mirrored. Now I got really sick of this bug, so I installed Hakabase V1 Player Panel, overwritten BADoBEST V2 from Aslain's MOD Pack... and it works properly now. Hakabase V1 and BADoBEST v2 are the same panels.. so therefor I can't fathom why this isn't a bug on BADoBEST's panel mod.. They display the same and do the same, it's either the coding or the team_structure.xml or ext_fonts.swf that fixes the display problem. I have been mixing MODs a lot for many months now and don't have any issues. Just configure the battle_layout and USSExpressionsLoader and it works.
  16. It's a bug, worked many patches ago.. so it's intended to NOT be mirrored..
  17. They are correct displayed now, with Hakabase files. Those that we get from the mod pack of Aslain is mirroring the icons.
  18. So seems like the BADoBEST Panels still have the mirrored bug on the right side (enemy team).. This is quite annoying.. But installing Hakabase Panel.. it solves it.. think the team_structure file isn't configured properly. Can you look into this? These are different from each other.. and would like to have it working with all Live Panels. Using Hakabase Panels.. fixes this issue.. team_structure.xml ext_fonts.swf
  19. Miss the logs as well.. hopefully it will return soon
  20. Got it from which is GP Modcom or Proships pack.. I have no idea, but never seen Haka with those icons.
  21. In 0.5.15 version I got some hands on some sweet icons.. and don't know where they are from. And if you can include them in your modpack?
  22. They are in the MOD pack except Cobra, just with a different marker.. Mebius has two of them.. Remember that many of the mods are almost the same.
  23. Really like to mix it up with these, can you add some or possibly all into you MOD Pack? http://forum.worldofwarships.ru/index.php?/topic/30106-0610-мод-телеграф-20-индикатор-скорости-и-поворот/
  24. I really like this MOD, but by testing it... I had a lot of issues, disconnects etc. Hope this will be added to your MOD Pack! EDIT: This line needs to be added into USSExpressionsLoader, or it doesnt work. Did get some help from Haka. <file path="../unbound/flash/Header_shiplist.swf"/> http://forum.worldofwarships.ru/index.php?/topic/79797-0610-мод-трюм-рей/
  25. The contour icons are Hakabase's Historical has always worked for me because I get this mod fully updated. When there was a time when the icons didnt work from Aslain, I got it to work from other places.
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