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Premium Tank Not Working

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Hello all:


I tried in the WoT forums to get repair advice but all I received was to uninstall the mod pack.


I am running Aslain and XVM.


I purchased a Progretto for playing Front Line and could not view it in the garage. I can only see it if I go in through the Depot.


I sent in a ticket and received the usual turn off/on filters from the experts at WoT. I did start the game in safe mode and the tank appears in my garage.


I tried opening my account on my son's computer and it shows there but it will not show on mine. We have the exact computer; mine has a higher quality video card that that is the only difference. Both are running Windows 10. Mine was new in Sept and his in Dec.


I uninstalled Aslain yesterday and restarted the game; as suspected the Progretto was in the garage. I installed a fresh version from the WoT mods page and once again I can not access the tank except through the Depot.


I do have a lot of other premium tanks; the Progretto is the only one that I am having issues with.


Any help would be greatly appreciated! I love my mod pack but want to have access to my new tank other then going through the Depot (which I can't do in FL).


Thank you,



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I didn't know about that but I had turned them all of manually. I tried the X but no change. Checked without filters and its not there. Turned on Tier VIII and nothing. Turned on Italian vehicles only and it's not there either.


I have no clue what the deal is and hate to loose my mods over this!





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I bet you have it set as a "Reserve" vehicle.  You have to choose "Reserve- show only reserved vehicles".  If you have it set to reserve, it will become visible in your carousel.  Then you will need to right click on it and it will again be visible in your garage.  Of course, you will have to uncheck the "Reserve" filter again as it is no longer reserved.  If that doesn't do it then I am out of suggestions.



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Darth_Clicker: Strong with this one the force is!


That was it. I had a freebie/rental one from the first FL round and it was marked as reserve. When I bought the new one the game assumed I wanted it to be a reserve so it was there. As well as about six or seven other tanks that I forgot I had.


I feel like an idiot but I am happy getting to keep my Progretto in the garage and keeping my mods!


Thank you so much!



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I'm glad that worked for you.  You shouldn't feel like an idiot at all.  I think the reserve tank situation is a bit too hidden from the player.  The only thing to tell you that you have one in reserve is the numbers at in the filter panel when you go there.  If I look at mine, it says 20/21 when I have one in reserve, but clicking the x doesn't clear the reserve status.  So I can imagine that most people never put a tank into reserve thus they never have to remove it from reserve.


Have a good one...oh.....WASH YOUR HANDS!!!!   sorry....couldn't resist.:grin:

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