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Platoon invite, accept, reject, leave


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First let me say that I read the thread from last year and I still think this could work if designed right, i..e, spam prevention would be built in.


Also, maybe something has changed in the game since the previous version of the game, but to be clear, the idea of Dynamic platoons not paying bonuses for the current round seems to only apply to platoons created after the actual game clock  has started.  IOW, if people join a platoon during the countdown timer then it does pay bonuses for the current round, that's my experience.


Ok, so having said that, here are the desired features and reasons why they would be nice to have:


Inbound invitations:  (accept and reject)


1)  Auto accept all invites of the same tier  (you only get points for same tier, and I think penalties for diff tiers)

1b)  Auto accept all same tier invites of the same class  (preference)

1c)  (This option assumes that spawn location is pre determined during the countdown timer phase and can be detected.)  Auto accept all same tier invites of the same class within X radius (i.e., same side of map, near waypoint, etc, for close knit gameplay)

1d)  Add checkbox for "friends only", so one of the above options would be selection and optionally the friends only box

1e)  Checkbox to enable ban list which will hold ID's of players you don't want to platoon with, or 


Inbound spam prevention


I don't know what the default WG settings are, but this mod could be more strict on inbound invites if the player preferred, or loosen them if WG config allows it, ie.., if WG only allows 1 invite per round, but allows custom config, then this could allow unlimited invites if the player chooses, or fewer than the WG limit.


Depending on this config, once an invite is rejected per the other mod settings, it could go straight to the next invite, i.e, it could queue them and process each one until an invite match is found.



Outbound invites:


Spam prevention on this could be whatever WG would require, plus additional custom limits


2)  Invite 1-2 players (free limit vs premium, or custom set for premium)

2a)  Invite the highest listed tanks of the same tier (based on win rate for the tank being played)

2b)  Invite the lowest listed tanks of the same tier (for those who like to help out lower skilled teammates)

2c)  Custom rank invite options

2d) As with inbound invites, each above option would have a "same class", radius, friend and ban list options

2e)  Per spam limits, if selected tanks do not respond within X seconds, then send invites to new players.   The time window would need to have a minimum to give the  first invitees fair time to respond.



3)  Auto leave platoon at end of round, or, when returning to garage after death but round is still going, if it doesn't reduce the bonus.  This could be auto disabled if a platoon member has used platoon chat within X seconds of either round end or you returning to the garage, this way you don't miss any recent messages.  For example, if someone chats 10 seconds prior to round end, then auto leave is cancelled for that round, allowing you to review chat and then manually leave.  This could be fully customized including cancelling auto leave if there is any plat chat at all.



Ok, I think that's all I can think of at the moment.  Opinions and tweak ideas welcome, and also express your support if you like the idea.


I really haven't done platooning much at all, although I should have been doing it this whole time, I mean, it's free xp/creds.  The other day when I tried staying in a platoon after a round, it took an extra 4 minutes to get into a round.  1 minute to wait for the other member to read up, and then 3 minutes for the MM.  This is about 3 1/2 wasted minutes which doesn't interest me, so I assume that's why every time I'm in a platoon, everyone bails out before me (or else it's because I'm lousy, which I happen to be).


Plus, for me and maybe some others, there is an additional problem, and that  is, that this game is taxing on my system during round loading, which means some of the time, I only get to the loading screen with the player list with 12-15 seconds left, and that makes it much less likely that I'll get a platoon together before round start.


So, this mod could really help out in these situations, just making it all easier and smooth with no fuss.


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