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Additional Stats


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I'm assuming that you create the stat.pyc file that makes up the stats pack, if not can you point me in the direction of who does?


Anyway, within this Python code it should be simple to add a few lines to differentiate between the different game types - where at present we can either include or exclude whole sequences of game types via CFG file, why not separate them in the stats and have the option to include or exclude the stat type?


For example, the code currently says :


result = 1 if int(value['personal']['team']) == int(value['common']['winnerTeam']) else (0 if not int(value['common']['winnerTeam']) else -1)


To determine win/draw/loss, after having discarded any game type to be excluded and exports this to the stat_cache.json file (along with all the other information).


This could be changed/added to with :


#Random/Team/Company stats

if value['common']['guitype'] in ['1','3','5']:

        rresult = 1 if int(value['personal']['team']) == int(value['common']['winnerTeam']) else (0 if not int(value['common']['winnerTeam']) else -1)

#Team stats

elif  value['common']['guitype'] in ['7']:

        tresult = 1 if int(value['personal']['team']) == int(value['common']['winnerTeam']) else (0 if not int(value['common']['winnerTeam']) else -1)

#Historical stats

elif  value['common']['guitype'] in ['8']:

        hresult = 1 if int(value['personal']['team']) == int(value['common']['winnerTeam']) else (0 if not int(value['common']['winnerTeam']) else -1)

#Strongholds stats

elif  value['common']['guitype'] in ['8']:

        sresult = 1 if int(value['personal']['team']) == int(value['common']['winnerTeam']) else (0 if not int(value['common']['winnerTeam']) else -1)


This would enable W/D/L stats for all of the calculated game types in WoT.  Obviously there would need to be some additional lines at the end of the python code for the maths involved in percentages and so on, but these stats would be enormously helpful in separating the game types.


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