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  1. Yesterday
  2. just noticed blacklist icon beside each player is gone,anybody know anythin i can do?is there a mod
  3. So first of all, champi's player panel pro doesn't work as intended, it's showing only 1-2 tanks hp bar from each team or nothing at all. Destroyed tanks also appear like not destroyed at all. Image and logs attached down below. With older version of the modpack (Aslains_WoT_Modpack_Installer_v. all of those mentioned work just as intended Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  4. v1.24.1.0 #10 (19-04-2024): - Naprawiono Trwale zniszczone [Markery zniszczonych pojazdów] - Przywrócono celowniki: Abrams, Ruler, Assasin - Akt. Światła ostrzegawcze
  5. v1.24.1.0 #10 (19-04-2024): - Fixed Permanently destroyed [Destroyed Vehicles Marker] - Re-added crosshairs: Abrams, Ruler, Assasin - Updated Danger Lights
  6. I have now played a few games without that hitzone skin and the game has been working fine. Tnx for helps. 🙂
  7. Probably due to: Hitzone skins Esther (permanent) you can also try without: Skins on destroyed vehicles Tanks White but my bet on Hitzone skins. Attach replay from such battle please, otherwise author cannot check it.
  8. There is something wrong with this modpack. When I play in Onslaught game mode, some of the tanks show nothing but tracks! And this only happens in that Onslaught game mode. I also tried without the mod and then everything worked fine. Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  9. v.13.3.0 #09 (19-04-2024): - Przywrócono Panele drużyn od AutoSpy - Przywrócono Panele drużyn DeCease - Akt. Światła kierunku poruszania - Akt. Mini-Panel drużyn: v2 - Akt. Usuń nieporządane teksty z widoku mapy (Czysta mapa taktyczna) - Akt. Zaawansowane logi trafień [zmieniono nazwę ze Szczegółowe; Dodano opcję wyłączenia przeciągania i upuszczania, aby można było zablokować pozycję] - Akt. Licznik wyników [Dodano opcję wyłączenia przeciągania, aby można było zablokować pozycję] - Akt. Znacznik dymu [mała poprawka] - Akt. Ikonki klanów
  10. v.13.3.0 #09 (19-04-2024): - Re-added Team Panels by AutoSpy - Re-added Team Panels DeCease - Updated Ship Movement Indicator - Updated Team Mini-Panel: v2 - Updated Remove unwanted texts from the map view (Pure tactical map) - Updated Advanced Damage Meter [Renamed from Detailed Damage Meter so it fits the name of other mods; Added an option to disable drag-drop so you can lock the position] - Updated Score Timer [Added an option to disable drag-drop so you can lock the position] - Updated Smoke Marker [Small fix] - Updated Clan icons
  11. Thx for the hint about this filter. I'm playing WoT since 2013, but this filter-selection was not known to me up to now. 😅 Rgds
  12. https://www.noelshack.com/2024-16-5-1713516827-tab-menu-2.png https://www.noelshack.com/2024-16-5-1713516827-tab-menu.png there is only the vehicle icon
  13. Last week
  14. Can't help but find it funny that my first reply in this thread is "Maybe filters?" And the screenshots are showing filters being in use... otherwise wouldn't be there. 😛
  15. v1.24.1.0 #09 (18-04-2024): - Przywrócono celowników: Circle, Giacint, RoughNecks, Staple, Strike, Strv, WG-A - Przywrócono wskaźnik skupienia: Biały v2 (wypełniony), Giacint, Staple, Strike - Akt. Światła ostrzegawcze
  16. v1.24.1.0 #09 (18-04-2024): - Re-added crosshairs: Circle, Giacint, RoughNecks, Staple, Strike, Strv, WG-A - Re-added aim circle: White v2 (filled), Giacint, Staple, Strike - Updated Danger Lights
  17. you are missing tier x tanks? click on that button in the garage (the game left bottom corner)
  18. v.13.3.0 #08 (18-04-2024): - Akt. dużą grupę modów od TTaro [Refaktoryzacja i ulepszenie stabilności] - Akt. Szczegółowe logi trafień [Dodano konfigurację do regulacji wysokości wiersza] - Akt. Minimapka od BattleFrame [przedłużono czas działania] - Akt. Wskaźnik wykrycia torped [przedłużono czas działania] - Ulepszono instalację do poprawnego folderu PT [dla celów testowych]
  19. v.13.3.0 #08 (18-04-2024): - Updated a large group of mods by TTaro [Refactor & stability improvement] - Updated Detailed Damage Meter [Added config for row-height adjustment] - Updated Minimap by BattleFrame [prolonged the functionality] - Updated Torpedoes detection Indicator [prolonged the functionality] - Improved installation to correct PT folder [for testing purposes]
  20. yes now click on this and show that in a screenshot xvm is not working in onslaught, same for most of the session statistics
  21. Here are the requested screenshots. Whenever I play the onslaught mode, the starting screen looks like the same. Additionally 2 of the 3 buttons at the right lower corner don't work properly. The left one shows no reaction when pressed and the right one shows no battle results. During the battle I don't see which enemy tank damaged my tank and some other info, like XVM stats are missing also. But that might be intended by WG. After a mod-pack update I get the wellknown screen wit the "Bank Loader" note and I have to restart WoT. Rgds
  22. In my post signature is link to info about logs, attach them, also attach screenshot of your screen when I can see this.
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