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  1. Past hour
  2. Hello, I'm lookin' to see if there might be any additional skin mods themed around Arpeggio of Blue Steel? I love the ones for Tirpitz and Scharnhorst. I know there was a mod that existed years ago that pretty much covered every ship in the game at the time, but from my understanding it no longer works. I also know there's one by Haruna Line (I think?) but I don't know if they've been keeping it updated. I got it to work a few months back but ever since an update that took place a couple months ago, I can't seem to get the skins to work unfortunately.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Alright, I think I figured it out. Using a GUI unpacker I extracted the sound banks, where I could indeed find the XML for the Hololive commanders and their sound files. I recreated the folder structure in res_mods (.\res_mods\banks\OfficialMods\Hololive), used a dummy silent WEM file (found through listening in via a Foobar2k plugin instead of dealing with transcoding), copied/renamed that to the files called upon the events I suspected (see OP) and that was pretty much it. Through this kitbashing I avoided creating a new commander sound mod, so it keeps it simple. Now I only need to manually copy that every new version I create an automation (probably through a batch file using something like this, but that is something for another day). Just wanted to list my findings in case anyone with similar goal should ever stumble upon this here. It really was as simple as I thought, actually even simpler.
  5. It was removed when the update came, yeah.
  6. What happened to this mod? Did it get nuked due to the new WoT update? I much prefer this mod than the cinematic crap in the game. This is one of my favorite mods. If it still exists can we get it back? Thanks!
  7. This is happening in Aslain's WoT ModPack v1.24.1.2 #03
  8. Można się bawić filtrami, i odfiltrować te czołgi.
  9. Niby tak, ale pytałem o moda, bo może takowego przeoczyłem. Ale rozumiem, ze nie ma. Dzięki.
  10. The mods don't affect ping indeed, at least directly. Some mods may lower your FPS, and a weak machine overloaded with mods can theoretically also affect network communication, including ping, but these are very rare cases, and most often concern exceptionally old/weak computers. There are tens of thousands, if not more, users of this modpack, and you are the only person who has reported this. This suggests that it is likely a local issue, otherwise many people would have already reported it. I don't know what is causing it. You also didn't attach any logs... It's possible that something on your computer, such as antivirus or firewall software, is interfering with the operation of some mods that want to communicate with their servers, such as XVM, but whether something like this causes high pings, very unlikely... I don't know what software you are using, and how it is configured, there are so many possibilities that it's impossible to guess. Quaksen provided a good answer and directed the conversation well. There's no point in getting upset with him because his intention is to help, not to show off or respond like Wargaming support. Instead of wasting energy arguing about what Quaksen is asking for, you should listen to him.
  11. I didn't tell you to talk to Wargaming Support. I said you could try using PingPlotter. PingPlotter would show if you have high ping or not, it should be showing the same route that your game takes, if you ping the server you're on - so if you're on EU2, ping EU2 that is shown on the link I posted. Because installing mods, won't affect your ping. Your ping is your connection response time, between you and the game server.
  12. (cant allow to edit my post, sorry) Today i install again the modpack and make a log.zip file and will uploaded here for your help, just it happen my game 99% won't be good again and need reinstall again, thats why i try to start a conversation like that upper to to find out if there is a basic problem and then I don't have to install 8x.
  13. I'm sorry, but I wrote that it didn't improve simply by reinstalling the game. I reinstalled it once and put the mod on it right away, then not working, my ping and my game was bad. Then 3rd time delete-reinstall, but this time i not install the mod, just use the ,,main game" and its working very well. So when you told me that was just a coincidence between the reinstall and a ping problem, its not okey. It happen when i install mod, and i correctly and respectfully wrote my problem. So i go here to ask some help but i think as I see it, I don't see a chance for that. If i use pinglotter what i know what is it... what will be the first question of wargaming support? Use mod or not?? Use? Yes, delete it because it must be the cause. End. So??? Now??? I wrote upper i'm not a new user, not a 10 years kid. I know what i do and early that never have any problem about the game or the mod just now, thats why i try ask help. Maybe here some version problem or i not know what settings stuck together and cause problems. I not know, because not i maked the modpack. I try looking some solution, tip etc. Can I get?
  14. Nie możesz ich skasować aby sie pozbyć całkowicie?
  15. Witam. Czy istnieje modyfikacja wyłączająca załączające się automatycznie w garażu "wypożyczone pojazdy". Szlag mnie trafia, kiedy przywracając domyślne ustawienia dla karuzeli czołgów co chwilę muszę to odznaczać. Dzięki za info.
  16. v1.24.1.2 #03 (03-05-2024): - Akt. Panele Graczy Pro by CHAMPi [dla wydarzenia Ostateczna granica] - Akt. Dźwięki dział i silników Gnomefather (FastestClassic)
  17. v1.24.1.2 #03 (03-05-2024): - Updated Player Panel Pro by CHAMPi [fix errors spam from the Final Frontier event] - Updated FastestClassic+Gnomefather's Historical Realism Gun Sounds
  18. Please correct the following: de.contouricons_DEbranded_simple=DEbranded: einfach --> de.contouricons_DEbranded_simple=DEbranded: Simple (it's the name of the icon package, no need to translate)
  19. v2.1.27.0 #00 (03-05-2024): - Initial compatibility with WoWp v2.1.27.0 - Updated AI Bots marker
  20. I got same error too after reinstall my windows 10 for my new ssd. Finally I'm trying by update my nVidia display driver, afterall there's new version, and then voila it works without error anymore.
  21. I split your message off from the rather random thread you decided to post this in 😛 As for the modpack and your ping... mods don't affect your connection (which is your ping times) It's probably just a coincidence that you have a change in ping when you reinstalled the game Try running PingPlotter when you're having ping issues. Wargaming has a guide and the IP you need to run the pings to: https://eu.wargaming.net/support/en/products/wot/article/10252/
  22. Last week
  23. Hi guys and hi Aslain! First of all let me thank you in advance for your work, I've been using your modpack for a long time and its super. I have been playing for a very-very long time and i haven't any problem your modpack, but today I'm back in the game after a long time. Of course, i begin to find your actuall version of modpack to use my favourite settings. (i make shots my setting when install mod parts, so not need too much time to adds 🙂 ) I saw the game basiclly have some extra features and adapted i saw some new or changed things in the mod part list too. But, it didn't cause any problems, I checked everything I needed, install, and went to play. aand here start a problem. I have giga laggs on any stage-maps, next the ping number the indicator always flashing to have a problem and i have 60-300ms pings. I check everything, reinstall the game etc. so i not want to be a jerk, but it's really not a problem with the machine or the internet.. so please not told check these. Everythings okey just the WoT not. Again reinstall a game just i not install the modpack, aaand everythings okey... i have 20ms pings and smooth and good. So the modpack cause a problem...but what, what option, what part?! Did you get any feedback that there was a problem with it? Like i said upper, i use your modpack always, every version and i have never any problem about that. I haven't played in 1 year i now come back. Maybe has an option there may be a setting that must be avoided in the list??? Can you help me please find a problem source, because i really want to use again your pack. Thank you so much the help, regards.
  24. will there be an updated version pls. i cant use my previous version after the update?
  25. If you upload your Aslain's WoT Logs, Aslain will be able to take a look and see what might be causing the issue. May just need to do a fresh clean install of the game and Aslain's Modpack. Or it could be a bug within XVM itself due to the latest update.
  26. Hi there, I have the same issue, is there anything to do to fix it? Thanks
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