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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/15 in all areas

  1. Got new info from xvm devs: they turned it off for 9.6. Will work again after 9.7 release.
    1 point
  2. I need to fix uninstaller, it removes too much. For now only manual mehtod is recommended: to remove all files inside res_mods then create empty /0.9.6/ folder inside.
    1 point
  3. Oh, sorry, you wanted wn8 win rate? There is no such macro. You can use only these: Macros available in hangar Legend: TC - tank carousel SQ - squad window 'X' - available ' ' - not available (can return wrong value - '', 'NaN', 'undefined', ...) '.' - TODO '-' - Obsoleted (will be replaced with other macro) ┌────────────────────────────┬───┬───┬───────────────────────────────── │ macro │ TC│ SQ│ Description ├────────────────────────────┼───┼───┼───────────────────────────────── │ {{v.vehId}} │ X │ . │ vehicle id │ {{v.battles}} │ X │ . │ total battles count for current vehicle │ {{v.c_battles}} │ X │ . │ color for battles count │ {{v.kb}} │ X │ . │ number of kilo-battles for current vehicle │ {{v.hb}} │ X │ . │ number of hecto-battles for current vehicle (hecto = 100) │ {{v.wins}} │ X │ . │ total wins count for current vehicle │ {{v.mastery}} │ X │ . │ mastery sign for current vehicle │ {{v.xp}} │ X │ . │ average XP gained on current vehicle │ {{v.fullname}} │ X │ . │ localized full vehicle name │ {{v.name}} │ X │ . │ localized compact vehicle name │ {{v.sysname}} │ X │ . │ vehicle system name (usa-M24_Chaffee) │ {{v.shortname}} │ X │ . │ localized short vehicle name │ {{v.type}} │ X │ . │ vehicle type (text substitution from config) │ {{v.c_type}} │ X │ . │ color for vehicle type │ {{v.level}} │ X │ . │ vehicle level (Arabic numerals) │ {{v.rlevel}} │ X │ . │ vehicle level (Roman numerals) │ {{v.battletiermin}} │ X │ . │ minimal vehicle battle tier │ {{v.battletiermax}} │ X │ . │ maximal vehicle battle tier │ {{v.nation}} │ X │ . │ vehicle nation │ {{v.premium}} │ X │ . │ 'premium' for premium, empty for normal vehicle │ {{v.elite}} │ X │ . │ 'elite' for elite, empty for normal vehicle │ {{v.maxHP}} │ X │ . │ maximum vehicle health points │ {{v.hitsRatio}} │ X │ . │ percent of hits │ {{v.c_hitsRatio}} │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro │ {{v.winrate}} │ X │ . │ vehicle win rate (percent of wins on this vehicle) │ {{v.c_winrate}} │ X │ . │ color for win rate │ {{v.tdb}} │ X │ . │ average damage - damage / battles │ {{v.c_tdb}} │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro │ {{v.tdv}} │ X │ . │ average damage efficiency - damage / (battles * maxHP) │ {{v.c_tdv}} │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro │ {{v.tfb}} │ X │ . │ average frags per battle │ {{v.c_tfb}} │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro │ {{v.tsb}} │ X │ . │ average number of spotted enemies per battle │ {{v.c_tsb}} │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro │ {{v.wn8expd}} │ X │ . │ WN8 expected tank damage │ {{v.wn8effd}} │ X │ . │ WN8 effective tank damage (avgdmg / expected_dmg) │ {{v.c_wn8effd}} │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro │ {{v.earnedXP}} │ X │ . │ earned XP │ {{v.marksOnGun}} │ X │ . │ marks on gun │ {{v.damageRating}} │ X │ . │ damage rating in percents for marks on gun │ {{v.c_damageRating}} │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro │ {{v.teff}}, {{v.e}} │ . │ . │ player's per-vehicle efficiency │ {{v.c_e}} │ . │ . │ dynamic color for this macro │ {{v.equipment1}} │ . │ . │ small icon of equipment in 1st slot │ {{v.equipment2}} │ . │ . │ small icon of equipment in 2nd slot │ {{v.equipment3}} │ . │ . │ small icon of equipment in 3rd slot │ {{v.consumable1}} │ . │ . │ small icon of consumable in 1st slot │ {{v.consumable2}} │ . │ . │ small icon of consumable in 2nd slot │ {{v.consumable3}} │ . │ . │ small icon of consumable in 3rd slot │ {{v.xpForTop}} │ . │ . │ XP points required for top tank │ {{v.xpForExpert}} │ . │ . │ XP points required for expert tank │ {{v.shootRange}} │ . │ . │ actual shoot range │ {{v.viewRange}} │ . │ . │ actual view range │ {{v.dpm}} │ . │ . │ actual damage per minute │ {{v.gunAvgDamage}} │ . │ . │ average damage for current gun AP/CR/HE │ {{v.gunAvgHit}} │ . │ . │ average penetration for current gun AP/CR/HE │ {{v.gunDispersion}} │ . │ . │ base dispersion at 100 m for current gun │ {{v.gunAimingTime}} │ . │ . │ base aiming time for current gun │ {{v.selected}} │ X │ . │ 'sel' for selected, empty for others │ {{l10n:ID}} │ . │ . │ localizated text, see en.xc for id └────────────────────────────┴───┴───┴─────────────────────────────────
    1 point
  4. so no one else in the entire world has this issue ?
    -1 points
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