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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. I do not use this mod so no idea what was there before and is not there now :) You would have to ask the maker.
  2. Could not reproduce this issue on my computer. Also found you are using wrong icons with connection to option: vehicle contour icon , if you want MY contour icons over the tanks nicely centered, you must select this:
  3. Akurat to co podlinkowales to prowadzi tylko do moda samych kątów (protraktora) i to na dodatek stara wersja. :) A fotki ze takie dziwne to nie wiem.... Generalnie ta strona z modami jest wysoce mylaca, oni biora stare mody, zmieniaja foldery w srodku i pisza ze sa nowe wersje....
  4. Guess it has to be corrected on the XVM side, maybe someone reported it on koreanrandom.
  5. Tak, usunalem skrypt reklamujacy ruski modpack i przeladowanie znow nie dziala dobrze. Autor zajmujacy sie aktualizacjami celownika ProArty uzyl skryptu z modpacka ruskiego protanki niezgodnie z jego licencja, i dlatego ten komunikat zaczal sie pojawiac.
  6. Added to the To Do list. I would like to add it, will make an attempt for you. Respect for your army service.
  7. Najlepiej pytac ludzi co robia moda Battle Assistant, u mnie mod dziala ok.
  8. v4.2.15 (22-02-2015): - updated Effective Armor Calculator (battletimer.swf fix, vehicle data change) - updated XVM to nightly 3850 - removed spammy script: ProSights.pyc (don't ask me to add it again) - fixed Mav's Ultra Fog Remover (wrong file name for Sacred Valley map)
  9. Widzialem go gdzies na ruskich stronach, podobny troche do harpoona.
  10. Moze napisz do Maggz'a (z roughnecksxvmmods.ipbhost.com) (po angielsku), on przerabial ten mod ostatnio.
  11. Sprawdzalem, u mnie na tych konfiguracjach tutaj zalaczonych BA przelacza sie pod G w nowy tryb bez problemow, ponowne wcisniecie G badz L.Shit wylacza tez normalnie.
  12. Serwer DLC: lącze 1GBPS, serverownia niemiecka, transfer nielimitowany.
  13. Ten mod sluzy do pokazywania informacji o nagranych lokalnie replayach, sam ich nie nagrywa - zapisywanie replayow jest wbudowane w gre.
  14. What conflicts, with that? Details plz :) I have read some posts on russian forum, and they are reporting issues with this mod, medals hang on screen in garage etc... I need to test this mod for stability first, before adding it.
  15. I was checking it few days ago because it was suspicious to me too. if you can check your outgoing packets, you will see it's checking for new version only, and receiving error 404 in response. It's from the new updater mod.
  16. This is correct: ${"\u0041slain/@xvm.xc":"."} It's encoded, however I may change it back to Aslain since I do not need it anymore.
  17. Please attach logs, info in my signature. I will try to reproduce. However the installer is made for admin users, not sure everything will work for normal user anyway.
  18. Install proper version for your client, you have installed the 9.6 version, and the NA is still on WoT 9.5
  19. I will fix it in 4.2.15, release is planed for today, soon even.
  20. Indonesian code should be "id", so basicaly rename all en. to id.
  21. Just played a replay from Sacred Valley, and indeed, I see fog... Renamed the file as you suggested fixed this.
  22. Wywale ten ich skrypt w nastepnej wersji, zdecydowalem ze wole raczej usunac celowniki ew. miec w nich popsuty reload counter niz pozwalac na wyswietlanie sie tego komunikatu.
  23. The same thing with No Fog by Artasan, coincidence or WG changed something recently? Also, do you suggests the mod is not working on that particular map?
  24. This is script that was added by some crosshair makers, without it the reload counter will not work properly. Affected crosshairs: - Deegie's - "the Standard crosshair with timer and more" - ProArty Also it has nothing to do with "unlicenced" use as they state in this window, they are only using this script to promote their modpack. Yes it's annoying and I am even thinking to remove affected crosshairs, since I do not like when someone is using such things in my modpack, this is no place for promoting 3rd party russian modpacks. edit: ok thats it, I made my mind, and will rather use bugged sights.pyc instead of this crap. I know I said that before, but this time for sure.
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