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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Zdjec nie widac. Ze wszystkich 3 serwerow tak slabo idzie?
  2. 96CT: v4.2.0-test3 (27-01-2015): - fixed Koshnaranek scripts - fixed crew icons
  3. Everything fixed in test3, uploading new modpack.
  4. Remove kosh scripts, dont use any zoom in/out
  5. Taka paczke robilem kiedys, teraz juz nie ma takiej opcji, musialbys sciagac klienta co ma z 3GB codziennie, bo akurat wydalem update, nie do wykonania. Nie mowiac jakie upierdliwe bylo by wysylanie takiej ilosci danych codziennie. Nie zgadne niestety co blokowalo, tak jak pisalem w readme, nie ma najmniejszego znaczenia ze instalowales np. modpack 4.1.20, a od .21 nagle sie nie chce instalowac. Po prostu pewnie jakiemus programowi w systemie sie cos nie spodobalo i blokuje, ale roznie bywa, czesto tez ludzie uzywaja proxy w opcjach internetowych, wtedy np. sie nie chce pobierac DLC itp. cuda, winny jest zawsze komp lokalnie.
  6. Jesli logi sie nie tworza to na bank komputer cos blokuje.
  7. 95: v4.1.32 (27-01-2015): - updated script for J1mbo's crosshair - updated Aslain's contour icons with new 9.6 CT vehicles - updated stat.pyc in YasenKrasen PL - added warning labels to the spoter mods (these mods are unstable) - added Dendyt hitzone skins 9.5 - fixed the installer updater script to display version properly 96CT: v4.2.0-test2 (27-01-2015): - removed replayManager - fixed paths in Gold tanks on carousel and Colored Tech-Tree mods (redownload needed) - added warning labels to the spoter mods (these mods are unstable)
  8. Dodaj logi, inaczej nie sprawdze bo nie mam jak.
  9. Szkoda ze nie zamieszczasz logow, nie mam za bardzo czasu na przeklikiwanie modow z listy na installer. Najbardziej potrzebuje tutaj .inf.
  10. Ok fixed all discovered issues here, wait for new modpack.
  11. Found 2 issues, on your setup I cannot log in to hangar, and also some files are in wrong folder, will remove Replay Manager and Hangar Clock for further tests.
  12. Załącz logi, bo nie wiem co instalowales.
  13. Please attach screenshots, names etc.
  14. Currently there is black hangar in Big hangar pack.
  15. v4.2.0-RC1 (27-01-2015) Only for 9.6 CT: - compatibility with WoT 9.6 Common Test #1 - all Aslain's mods updated to 9.6 CT - removed suspicious and not working mods in 9.6 - will bring them back slowly after testing - there still might be some incompatible mods (please report them)
  16. More over they even think to add it as main/optional arty view in WoT :) The author of the mods you checked asked for this: 1. delete old python.log 2. activate in mod config <Debug> True </Debug> 3. start game and do repeat bug. 4. create screenshots 5. create archive and add screenshots + python.log 6. send archive to me
  17. Damn, I attached wrong file, sorry. Updated my previous post.
  18. Fixed them today, to speed up, delete DLC folder, and let them to be downloaded again.
  19. Lots of Process exit code: 1 in logs, your PC blocked the installation process. Check apps like antivir, firewall etc.
  20. No idea what you have installed, but maybe try without Vehicle Exp Extended, Quests Extended, Crew Exp Extended and let know.
  21. Updated XVM only version to 4.2.0: - compatibility with WoT 9.6 Common Test - updated contour icons with new vehicles - based on XVM nightly 3708
  22. Probably heuristic method of detection. Maybe some code in Quests Extended looks like malicious and you get warning. Anyway, there couple of anty-vir soft that giving false positives, my modpack was never infected yet, and I am always scanning it before releasing.
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