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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Yes, once you activate the HP bars system, even if you do not display them the fps lose is the same. It's the code and scanning for player's hp is slowing the game down, not displaying this kind of data.
  2. Not getting it back, too many issues with this, also too big to handle.
  3. Could not recreate your issue, all is working fine on my end.
  4. No need to write there, I will move this topic to proper forum. As for fps lost, it's different on each pc, depends on hardware, but the lost is the same as if you use the other hp bars built in the installer.
  5. Hi :) I will do, in the next release. Thanks for info.
  6. I don't know how this detection works, maybe it is checking some files I removed, because are not needed, like some readme and whatnot. Anyhow all sounds from KT works currently, since I've checked them, double checked even, as for the engines, remove it, and let it be downloaded again. General hint: clean up your DLC folder in case of issues like that - helps sometimes.
  7. v3.8.15 (19-08-2014): - updated XVM-5.3.4-dev (b3100) - fixed the large playerspanel with Default iconset selected
  8. Look like something went wrong, I've re-uploaded the 7z again, and it's extracting now. Run the installer again and clean up your DLC (or manualy remove engines file in DLC folder).
  9. Zostalo juz naprawione, sciagnij najnowszy instalator.
  10. Only mediafire or mega can handle that huge traffic.
  11. v3.8.14 (19-08-2014): - updated french intaller language - re-added KT's WWIIHWA gun sounds v2.541 - re-added KT's WWIIHWA hit sounds v2.54 - re-added KT's WWIIHWA engine sounds 2.031 - re-added KT's WWIIHWA Turret Traverse Sounds v1.64 - fixed the experimental centered iconset
  12. There are calculators online like this http://www.rgbtohex.net/hextorgb/
  13. Dodam pozniej, teraz nie mam czasu, Mega zostalo usuniete bo nie moglem wczoraj nic tam wyslac... cos im padlo albo pada dla mojego uploadu.
  14. Animated gifs are disallowed.
  15. I will see if it's possible, there is very reason it is working like that. Yeah, guess I was mistaken, there is tons of dependencies hard to remember it all. Anyway you cannot do anything about it.
  16. I see whats going on here, You have selected Default icons option, this is very limited option, many things incompatible with this.
  17. There is difference for classical and experimental centered, if you install one of then, their icon is displayed at different coordinates, and this is incompatible with players name option. This is why I disabled Players Name for both, otherwise it would overlap on tank name. I will see if I can do something about it.
  18. XVM cannot color these png icons, it can color a txt tank name only, but not a png tank name
  19. Forget it, what do you mean? Make a proper report please, otherwise hard to support, and I only waste my time trying to guess. http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/9-how-to-report-a-bug-or-issue/
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