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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. I can confirm that badly centered icon will be fixed today.
  2. Classical works like that: You cannot get a photoshop icons to be colored by ally/enemy color, you have to use tank names instead - use the Regular iconset instead. As for player names, the Classical and Experimental centered are not supporting player names over tank name, it's being automaticaly unchecked.
  3. Can't reproduce with the provided data, for me it's simple panel when I select simple panel.
  4. Sciagnij nowy instalator, uzywasz jakiegos starego w wersji 3.8.2.... na nim nie dziala pobieranie DLC sporej ilosci rzeczy.
  5. XVM can display this rating now, and the change was about it's color scale.
  6. Added language_file_3.8.13.txt The differences between english and foreign lang. are growing fast.
  7. v3.8.13 (17-08-2014): - updated XVM-5.3.4-dev (b3094) - updated Replays Manager mod - added clan icon option to the OTM - fixed stock turret marker - fixed minimap zoom with CAPS key
  8. Have you tried to completly remove modsettings api? This mod is creating tons of errors, it's still beta.
  9. There is Replay Manager update coming today from my modpack, maybe this will fix your issues, who knows.
  10. Language file updated to 3.8.12, foreign translations - update needed
  11. This mod works as it is, I have no influence for this, don't use it, if it causing issues to you. As a hints: delete old replays from 0.9.1, also don't have too many of them in a folder.
  12. Local issue :( I hope someone can help, I will try too if I find time.
  13. v3.8.12 (16-08-2014): - updated XVM-5.3.4-dev (b3093) - Team HP Pool Bar mod split into two options - added new option: the shadow intensity on the OTM - updated XVM scale for WGR - bugfix: hotkeys & playerspanel Mega link removed temporary, not working for me today, not to mention it was working very bad recently
  14. I warned I do not support messing up with sound mods :) The current setup is allowing selecting multiple options (it's for adv. users)....
  15. Hotfixed, please get the installer again.
  16. Patched to v3.8.11.1 (15-08-2014 17:25) - fixed hotkeys Patched to v3.8.11.2 (16-08-2014 10:09) - fixed custom playerpanels
  17. Few panels affected, will fix it soon today.
  18. v3.8.11 (14-08-2014): - updated XVM-5.3.4-dev (b3090) - updated colors.xc with the new WGR rating - updated any_to.js rating changing script by seriych - updated alpha.xc - updated Team HP Pool Bar 92 with new custom look - changed xvm config to a new format - added option: Display 6th sense icon for 9secs - re-added Dendyt Hitzone skins - re-added KoreanRandom Hitzone skins - some small enhancements to the installer
  19. Lang file updated to 3.8.11, it's unreleased yet, cause I'm waiting for XVM team to fix nighlty build.
  20. Nie bylem w stanie odtworzyc tego bledu na moim komputerze, problem lokalny.
  21. It all depends in what country you are then :)
  22. Did you set up each tank individualy first? AutoEquip is not like the AutoTelescope mod you know. Anyway both mods works fine, so I mark it local.
  23. Sorry, wasn not able to reproduce this :(
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