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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Try to disable event hangar in wot tweaker section.
  2. Jakie pliki pisze w instrukcji, nie mam czasu nonstop o nich pisac :) http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/8-jak-zg%C5%82osi%C4%87-problem/
  3. To nie nowy ale stary instalator, bez v1. Sciagnij nowy instalator, ten blad wczoraj naprawilem po paru zgloszeniach ludzi.
  4. Both of you local issue, sorry. You might need a help from an IT guy out there.
  5. I very don't recommend to use default icons, this is very problematic and unfriendly and uncompatible option, and will mess around many things with some combination. I'm thinking to remove this option once for good. Sorry.
  6. Please make a proper report -> http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/9-how-to-report-a-bug-or-issue/
  7. If you would like to translate the modpack into a different language, please post in this topic. Do not send me private messages, DM messages, or emails. Everything must be posted in this topic and open to the public. It would be appreciated if the translator could pay attention to installer updates. Otherwise, if the number of missing lines of component exceeds 40, I will disable the language until it's up to date again. Here is the link to the latest language file for those who plan to create their own translation or fix any existing translation errors and mistakes. The modpack installer is available in following languages: english (author Aslain) polish (author Aslain) german (author corecroft27) french (author Pellaon) italian (author Mandrillus, VeRDAMMT, Maxi961) portuguese (author tuaregue) hungarian (author Saykecske) spanish (author Redraven59) greek (author Sirithlhach1) croatian (author Sadun_Tryst, MrGegaz) serbian (author Puritania, BadAndNothingElse) dutch (author Mr.Bully, MGIMATTY) czech (author Rejnok1) korean (author snipuck) danish (author Quaksen) chinese (author mr_ppppp) Downloads: WinMerge app - http://winmerge.org Redraven59's tool: https://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/10686-translating-wot-modpack-installer-language-files/&do=findComment&comment=85813 SakakiChizuru's tool: https://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/10686-translating-wot-modpack-installer-language-files/&do=findComment&comment=91645
  8. I will see about it, that website you linked is not for free right? Current language file: http://aslain.com/language_file_v3.8.6.txt
  9. I jeszcze logi zalacz, wtedy bede mogl sprawdzic, do tego czasu nie moge.
  10. v3.8.6 (05-08-2014): - updated XVM-5.3.3 (b3070) - updated ModSettings API v1.2.0-beta5 - updated No Camo by Artasan 0.9.2 - updated Permanent channels 9.2.5 - updated The minimap actions for platoons v6 - unified colors of other stats in the 11-color band rating - added legacy 9-color band by Aslain - added slighlty changed Wotlabs 11-color band rating with black replaced with white - added new crew voices to DLC: Steel Foxes v1.2 - fixed back-up mechanism of AutoEquip.xml
  11. Code: 1 is usually a local issue (with some rare cases), something like antivirus or lack of admin rights is causing it.
  12. Nikt nie zmienil, utworzyles drugi taki sam temat, wiec zostaly one polaczane na raz :) Twoj nowszy wiec nie zachowala sie jego nazwa.
  13. Nawet spoko, moge dodac pod DLC, a ktore konkretnie polecasz bo jest pare typow. Dodam jeden.
  14. Zobacze jutro, tylko ze bialy bedzie mocno rzucal sie tez w oczy :/
  15. Może już być? Kolor: #7F0600 (mocno ciemno czerwony): Albo kolor #900800 (srednio ciemno czerwony):
  16. Hotfixed, please redownload current installer again.
  17. Please try with this installer and let me know.
  18. No wiem, skala jest straszna, ale tak sobie wymyslili oficjalnie.... Na razie to ciezka sprawa, nie wiem czy sie uda, jak tak to dodam jutro.
  19. v3.8.5 (05-08-2014): - updated XVM-5.3.3 (b3067) - added option to disable garage event hangar (in the WoT tweaker section) - the 9 colors rating scale replaced with the 11 colors one (this is the new and official WN8 scale made by Wotlabs.net) - removed switch for rating XWN6 and WN6
  20. For me it's too distractive, too large fonts etc... not in my taste
  21. Caused by WG event. Someone surely will tell you how to fix it. I have no time atm.
  22. This code I gave you is not to replace, it's your job now to find proper color for you and replace manualy the hexes (i.e.: "0x005500") http://html-color-codes.info/
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