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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. All is fine here too, different cross and different server cross, as you see. I will mark it solved.
  2. Hi It's local issue, your window system is lacking, I never had this problem so cannot confirm it, but try this first, I belive it helped someone in the past: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=3988
  3. Thanks, going to check it now.
  4. Do you use any custom crosshair on top of it?
  5. x48 i x60 nie dzialaja, wczoraj to juz zauwazylem po wypuszczeniu paczki, ale bylo za pozno, na razie nie uzywaj ich az autor je zaktualizuje.
  6. There is no reason for them to not work, they didn't change for couple of months, and this is first time someone reporting it.
  7. The config failed for you, and what you see is a default XVM, please post all logs so we can tell more, without it, it's hard to tell what happened out there.
  8. I found some experimental x60 yesterday, and it seems not working, must find something else then.
  9. I'm aware of this, there is no color ring, because it's not a Gambiter feature, it's being added by other modders like killerente or vitiris. Wait for their update.
  10. 1. Wjedz do katalogu z obrazkami klanow dla EU i nazwy plikow to nazwy klanow 2. Nie ja, lista pochodzi od XVM, jest aktualizowana wraz z nim co jakis czas
  11. For me looks like vanilla wot :)
  12. v3.8.2 (02-08-2014): - updated XVM-5.3.3 (official) - updated TOP150 clans for EU, NA, RU servers - updated GoHaru hitzone skins - updated Man1aq's Contour Icons 92 - updated Gnomefeather's gun sounds 1.9432 - updated Team HP Pools 92a - updated Hangar Clock (also config fixed for 92) - updated Xft' DamagePanel + integrated hitlog v0.9 - udpated Damage Panel GambitER 0.9.2 - updated SeaFalcons Damage Panel + Hitlog script and swf - re-added Sounds from 0.9.1 Test 1 Mod (DLC) - re-added AutoEquip mod - re-added Received Damage Announcer v2.3 - re-added Sword of Damocles v7.7 - re-added Deegie’s Sniper Sights mod
  13. Low tier tanks doesn't have skins at all, it starts around t6+ You know some tanks that were updated to HD and maybe few others too doesn't have any skin. The new version should fix it I hope.
  14. Ja tam bronic PayPala nie bede, ale nie ma co sie bac ze kasa zniknie czy cos, to powazna firma, w prawdzie parabank ale podstawowe narzedzie platnosci na ebayu - nie pozwolili by sobie na negatywne pr. Kto chce to uzywa, kto nie chce, moze napisac do mnie nr. konta.
  15. Na razie problem rozwiazany, poczekaj na nowa wersje skorek, i wtedy napisz czy jest roznica.
  16. Nie wszystkie czolgi maja skorki, a wyszla juz nowsza wersja, moze tam beda dodane, nie wiem.
  17. Ja uzywam PayPal od prawie 10 lat, ani razu nie mialem z nimi problemow, nawet jak mnie oszukali na aukcji ebay, to zwrocono mi cala kwote (pare tysiecy).
  18. Aktualny serwer na ktorym sa pliki kosztuje ok 600zl miesiecznie, taki ktory wytrzymac ma natlok userow pobierajacych pliki to bedzie kosztowal kilka razy tyle.
  19. What exactly it is on the picture?
  20. Autotelescope mod works, I just double checked it, you simly select the priority sequence in the installer, and that's, must work. If not working, then it's your pc.
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