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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Reproduced this issue, I will try to find out why is this happening.
  2. v.8.0.2 #00 (11-02-2019): - compatibility with WoWs - updated Carousel extended - info: nomogram will be added in the next update
  3. Mod has been updated today and shall be included in the next modpack.
  4. Yeah, it's not a bug, no need to report :) Wait for proper modpack.
  5. I am using safe version from different author, you cannot compare dates of two different mods, you posted link to mod from ekspoint, his mods are infected with adware and trojans. I will remove links.
  6. To me the nomogram scale is shown up but it's not scalable. So hard to tell. I would need to see all files. You mentioned you got it from some other site, to reproduce it all I need all files you used.
  7. Attach my logs, I need the whole picture.
  8. XVM is still unstable, they haven't fix couple of crashfixes yet. Try without it maybe.
  9. Mods won't work properly in the frontline, don't play it with mods.
  10. Click OK, retry and show me picture again.
  11. I can look at it again, but last time I tried to activate that files in the nomogram was not working (as of displaying default dynamic crosshair instead).
  12. v.8.0.1 #05 (11-02-2019): - updated clan icons - fix to Replays Enabler
  13. Better check your computer. My modpack is clean. btw. Updated on Sep 24, 2018 ??? it's some very old date. https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/45f39ab87425cf4b6f92c5a37ceb4e0f16b89e685482138f56819971d422879a/detection
  14. v1.4.0.0 #07 (10-02-2019): - updated XVM sight - updated Auxilium - updated damage panels: KobkaG, Zayaz - updated crosshair: Standard in White, Jimbo v3 - updated Wide border of maps - updated PYmodsCore dependecy mod - updated Marks of Excellence Extended - updated Repair Extended - added new option to Auxilium branch: Speedometer (disable and enable for all) - added Custom Damage Indicator: #2-#3 (updated by Hawg) - added contour icons PogS, Nikodemsky - added Guns from WoT 0.9.13 by KptKosmiT91 - added Advanced tips for skills [PL only] - disable service channel filter in Battle Observer cfg - removed Transparent Clan Logos (doesn't work for clan logos only)
  15. Ok next attempt Remove: Hangar: Minimalistic
  16. Jutro sie tym zajmę, dzisiaj już kończe niedługo.
  17. You should be able to subsrcibe to the topic with downloads.
  18. Możesz sprawdzić albo bez Battle Assistanta, albo bez modów celowników?
  19. To wina routingu nie userow jak juz sprawdzono. Server ma skopana konfiguracje, i niektore polaczenia akceptuje na szybkim laczu a inne na jakims powolony. Pomaga uzycie VPN'a ustawionego na USA. Niestety kontakt z adminem serwera jest sredni, i chyba albo nie potrafi, nie chce albo nie moze tego naprawic. Oczywiscie jest tez jakis wklad userow, ale nie moze byc tak ze ktos mi pisze ze pobiera 5kb/s kiedy to ja zawsze mam 3.2MB/s. Niektorym pomaga tez ustawienie serwrow dns na google, czyli na
  20. Well, there is also chance for this.
  21. With mods it never be like in vanilla. Mods like XVM can eat up some fps.
  22. Try without two mods, hangman hangar manager and Friends Notifier. Start with Friends Notifier, and let me know if it helped, follow up with the other one if no help.
  23. Zacznijmy od tego ze nie jest to blad w paczce. Proponuje wyczyscic cache tokenow XVM w appdata, przeklikac jeszcze raz te aktywacje na stronie i odpalic gre na nowo najlepiej jako administrator.
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