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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. v1.0.1 #02 (03-05-2018): - fixed installation of UT announcer male/female, contour icons Grandorf - added contour icons: Riskynet (by colt87) - added hangar: Victory Day - updated OTM night_dragon_on - updated XVM repair panel - updated contour icons Wizard (yaya070) - updated session stats: YasenKrasen - updated Gold ammo visibility mod - removed Personal Missions Helper, Marks of Excellence Extended [bugs]
  2. Niestety, oto co niedlugo bedzie v1.0.1 #02 (03-05-2018): - naprawiono instalowanie UT announcerm, ikonki Grandorf - dodano ikonki konturów: Riskynet (by colt87) - dodano hangar: Victory Day - akt. OTM demon2597, night_dragon_on - akt. panel naprawczy XVM - akt. ikonek konturów Wizard (yaya070) - akt. statystyki sesji: YasenKrasen - akt. Gold ammo visibility mod - usunięto Pomocnik Misji Osobistych, Odznaki Biegłości w Bitwie
  3. Try without Odznaki Biegłości w Bitwie
  4. Proponuje sprawdzic to na replayach, bo jak za czesto nie wbijac bedzie do bitwy to mozna zlapac ostrzezenie za botowanie.
  5. Remove Personal Missions Helper, Marks of Excellence Extended I will in next modpack.
  6. Fixed, reinstall the modpack and check option to clena up DL folder.
  7. Guys if "also have this issue" attach logs. Otherwise it's hard to check.
  8. Mozna sprawdzic bez pomocnika misji osobistych, a zostawic PMOD.
  9. Wszyskie mody od PMOD są albo w dziale PMOD (ciezko przegapic), albo maja obok napis [PMOD] (glownie statystyki sesji).
  10. Udalo mi sie odtworzyc problem z wchodzeniem do bitwy. Jak usunalem PMOD to weszlo, uzywacie ? (jeszcze ostatnich logow nie sprawdzilem). Mozliwe ze to nie PMOD, ale jego combo z innym modem.
  11. You didnt mention it happens with Italian tanks. Try without PMOD
  12. Played 3 battles with same mods like you have. No single crash :/ You have no errors in logs too.
  13. v1.0.1 #01 (03-05-2018): - updated XVM sight - updated Arty Log - updated Wide border of maps - added AutoAim Indication+ - added contour icons: Prudenter, Webium, Wizard (yaya070), Jackhammer (Patejl352), Golkosh - added Minimalistic hangar - removed more not working mods: Hangar Tools
  14. Ciezko powiedziec, nie ma bledow w logach. Musisz usuwac moda po jednym jesli chcesz dojsc ktory mod to robi (o ile to mod).
  15. Wywal moze ten mod: Hangar Tools [staty na karuzeli czo│gˇw + zegar w hangarze]
  16. I will update it today, there seem to be new version of xvm sight script released.
  17. v1.0.1 #00 (02-05-2018): - initial compatibility with WoT 1.0.1 - temporary removed incompatible mods
  18. Sorry but nope Check my signature for more informatiom.
  19. Hi Please provide proper logs, launch my logs archiver, and it will generate required logs. I'm not sure what is your problem too. Could you be more descriptive?
  20. What if you install that ship bars mod exclusively without anything else? Is there a chance you moved the ship hp bar out of the screen boundaries? You mentioned you can open the ship hp bar mod with right cliking of the place, have you tried to switch its option on and off?
  21. Maybe author of this mod must adjust it edit: author gave me fixed version, I will include it in the next modpack
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