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WoT Modpack update to is in progress... ×


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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. I will check it later. Partialy looks like texture issue, but can be more than that.
  2. v9.18.0 #32 (24-05-2017): - fixed combo zorgane gun sounds + Milkyman's T62A skin - enlarged the 12h XVM hangar clock field to prevent overlapping
  3. I don't have english/american locales, so it's hard to make a changes to me, but I will make an attempt in next modpack version. Hopefully it will sort out this issue. The problem is that XVM devs changed the way how clock works, and they didn't think about windows locales, this is serious problem to a modder who don't want to mess up with his windows locales.
  4. v6.5.0 #05 (23-05-2017): - added Detailed Damage Indicator - added Steven Seagal to Standard English voices
  5. v9.18.0 #31 (23-05-2017): - fixed combo crosshair minimalistic with spg crosshair Damocles - added aim circle: White Double - updated Battle Observer
  6. I will check your logs, but it's pretty sure caused by your computer, check if you have latest drivers, if there is no heating problem etc. Faulty mods cannot just restart your PC, they can cause game to restart though. Additionaly try to delete game caches and xvm caches (via %appdata% roaming\wargaming.net, and check client integrity via launcher options.
  7. Try this, but it's all russian: http://warships-mods.ru/dinamicheskij-i-nastraivaemyj-pritsel-ot-proships It contains ProShips_Cross_Editor.exe, you can configure your crosshair with that, including colors.
  8. I updated files for new expected tank values in a mods that are using them. If given mod is using the values that are stored online, then I cannot do anything about it. As for XVM you cannot do anything about it as well. In short, for now we have to live with different stats here and there.
  9. v6.5.0 #04 (22-05-2017): - added Arpeggio of Blue Steel UI Theme Pack - updated Matchmaking Monitor [attention, installing it will also wipe out that application folder]
  10. Dostalem odpowiedz ze zalecane jest kasowanie konfigu co aktualizacje moda, bo mod jest mocno rozwijany aktualnie i moze sie wszystko szybko tam zmieniac, wtedy stary konfig moze psuc rozne rzeczy.
  11. v9.18.0 #30 (22-05-2017): - added Ritterkreuz crew voices - fixed spg crosshair Damocles - updated contour icons: Man1aq
  12. I played 3 battles without issues. When I press T, I can see the splash circle.
  13. I'm affraid I cannot do anything about it. It comes with certain crosshairs/aim circles and have no option to move it anywhere.
  14. Naprawione, mozesz poczekac na nowy modpack, albo przeinstalowac paczke z opcja wyczysc folder DLC, albo recznie skasuj plik WoWReplaysMatchMakingMonitor_650.zip we folderze DLC i przeinstaluj paczke, wtedy ona pobierze nowy plik.
  15. Get it from here: https://koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/32379-09151-
  16. So you've had that Battle Observer damage log there before. Make sure you're not selecting it in the BO branch
  17. I will fix Damocles today, it's a problem with the crosshair script :/ edit: well it's not the script :/ something else is affecting it, but I don't know what it is yet.
  18. For now pick different spg/crosshair. You must have selected incompatible crosshairs combo.
  19. v6.5.0 #03 (20-05-2017): - updated Matchmaking Monitor (by Jammin411)
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