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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. v9.17.1 #28 (21-03-2017): - updated music mod: Two Steps From Hell v1.2 [added 80 tracks to battle loading, added 11 new sound tracks from latest albums to in-battle music] - added old version of white crosshair (as v2) - removed unwanted crosshair controls from XVM, that was in conflict with many crosshairs
  2. Ok, fixed, wait for new modpack.
  3. Could you delete res_mods\\gui\flash\crosshairControls.swf and let me know if this helped you?
  4. Załączyłes program exe, to nie tak, te exe nalezy uruchomic a nie zalaczyc i na koncu po utworzeniu logów załączyć je (beda mialy rozszerzenie zip). Sprawdze to, moze to przez XVM, nie wiem po co, ale dodali tam jakies elementy celownika.
  5. v6.2.2 #00 (21-03-2017): - compatibility with WoWs
  6. v9.17.1 #27 (21-03-2017): - updated XVM to 7259 [nightly build] - updated music mod: TwoStepsFromHell [slightly reduced in-battle volume, removed battle loading music, and added more tracks to login window] - added music mod: Star Wars (by Aslain) - added Minimalistic Hangar - fixed mirroring in contour icons contrabass
  7. WG logs are useless to me, provide my logs using special logs archiver app.
  8. v9.17.1 #26 (20-03-2017): - updated Hangar-Manager 'HangMan' v2.13 [previous one stopped to work today] - updated Session Stats 'Time Spent' - updated few gambiter configs - updated crosshair: Standard in White
  9. It's not working since like 7 months now, you are first one who reported it, I will remove it, as it's totaly not prepared to be working.
  10. I will check if this is working, and let you know.
  11. Played few battles with moda from above logs, didn't experience it a single time :/
  12. In that logs you don't have TSFH mod selected, I did it for you, and installed the rest, and I can hear all sounds. What volume settings are you using in the game?
  13. Expiration date was added because it was a test version, that wasn't suppose to be used after the given period.
  14. Yes, it will not, that version was time limited. Wait for new modpack with updated mod.
  15. v9.17.1 #25 (19-03-2017): - updated gun sounds: Zorgane v1.11 - updated config sounds.xc [in xvm] - updated Battle Observer [includes couple of small fixes] - fixed crew sounds: Duke v2
  16. You may report it to mod author: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/596268-09171-zorgs-modshop-gnomefathers-historical-realism-gun-sounds-mod-v-111/ I cannot do anything 'bout it.
  17. Yeah, without logs I cannot tell. I was cruious and installed few sound mods all together with TSFH mod and no problems there.
  18. Niestety, ten mod nie zapisuje swojej pozycji po zmianie. Trzeba by edytowac konfig i tam na stale wpisac inne wartosci.
  19. What if you play a replay from this map ? Attach it too if possible.
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