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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Zdecyduj sie na jeden rodzaj logow, albo te z Battle Observera albo te od XVM hitloga
  2. v9.17.0.3 #15 (08-02-2017): - fixed clean up dlc folder task
  3. v9.17.0.3 #14 (08-02-2017): - refactored installer windows (thanks BegiN) - added crosshair: Wolfhound - added XVM carousel by Katsumoto - updated Painted Rollers
  4. New english file for WoT http://aslain.com/custom_messages/WoT_en_translation_9.17.0.3_14.ini
  5. I saw similar errors/notices/warnings when playing without mods too.
  6. Your python log is empty, I need that file after you encounter issues.
  7. Latest modpack, same mods like you, 3 battles, no single problem.
  8. v6.0.1 #05 (07-02-2017): - added Blueman's Detection Mod - updated Navigator mod [added smoke timers] - installer improvements on task window
  9. I have been thinking about it too, I will check if it's possible, unless someone will be faster.
  10. Python logs looks fine, more or less. Better check PC I would say, you never know... alternatively try without HangMan mod.
  11. v9.17.0.3 #13 (06-02-2017): - updated XVM to 7133 [nightly build] - updated Battle Observer - added xp and credits to the in-battle end message in session stats YasenKrasen - added hp bar switch to Damage Panel with timer & repair panel on L.CTRL branch - fixed out of boundaries error on task window
  12. W tym przypadku polecam metodę prób i błędów, usuwać mody po jednym, i sprawdzić w którym momencie przestanie się to robić. Zacznij od Hangar Manager 'HangMan' z kilkoma garażami (by goofy67), pare osób czasami ma z nim problem podobny do opisywanego.
  13. Not a bug, this bar is a part of this mod, it's no the same mod like before, this mod was in modpack since beginning of 9.17 (more or less). Thanks for letting know how to disable this bar, I will see if I introduce a switch to the modpack to remove it.
  14. I am using only his detection icons, not the rest, so not everything will be 100% like in his standalone mod.
  15. added XVM config by Aslain v9.17.1 #00 CT for test server
  16. Logs are located in WoWs folder, provide them to us, so we can check it. Info is in my signature.
  17. What installer version do you use? post logs
  18. Hallac może mówić, ważne co WG o tym sądzi Przedstawili to jasno w regulaminie.
  19. v9.17.0.3 #12 (05-02-2017): - updated gun sounds Zorgane 1.09 - split up delete python log and cache files (more versality after all) - installer improvements on task window [thanks to BegiN]
  20. Zaktualizuję fotkę aby przedstawiała domyślne ustawienia celownika. Jak widzisz uzyskać się taki celownik jak na tamtej fotce da, po prostu autor celownika zamieszał tak w swoim modzie, ja nie mam mozliwosci zmienienia tego.
  21. But what happens? File is missing or ? In case of missing files, please provide file names that cannot be downloaded, they are visible on downloading window.
  22. Zakazane jest zaznaczanie autoaima bez aktywnego podświetlania sylwetki czołgu, w modpaku nie ma takiej funkcji, musisz podświetlić czołg aby go zaznaczyć.
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