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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Thanks for pointing it out. Fixed first two problems (wait for new modpack), as for the Low HP mark, it works fine, no problem with that (if you still have, add logs for checking)
  2. Przestaly dzialac. Vito musialby je zrobic od nowa a z tego co wiem to nie ma czasu.
  3. 9.16 build 20 (23-10-2016): - updated XVM to v6.4.7 - added Fast Track Repair (with hotkey: SPACE) [to the modpack section, under zooms etc.] - added contour icons: RaSeven's (version C) - added UT Announcer (don't use it with the other sound mods - possible conflict) - fixed Vanilla WG logs - fine tuned the XVM client flags position
  4. yes, why they added it, no idea, since you can do the same via in game options.
  5. Ten mod juz od dawna nie jest aktualizowany, jak znajdziesz dzialajaca wersje to daj znac.
  6. 90% bledow w pythonie nie jest dla mnie czytelna, chyba tylko tworcy swoich konkretnych modow, oraz WG umie to odczytac merytorycznie. Czesto pojawialy sie tam odwolania do kamo, wiec moze warto pobawic sie w usuwanie modow, po kolei, takie biale skorki i inne mody grafiki.
  7. Problem z plutonami powinien byc juz naprawiony, byla to wina konfigu updatera ktory jest online.
  8. Left corner? Show it on pic what logs do you mean exactly. Alternatively try to edit damagelog.xc, "damageLog": { // true - disable standard detailed damage. "disabledDetailStats": true, // true - disable standard summarized damage. "disabledSummaryStats": true, Change both true to false.
  9. So to sum it up, are they (WG) considering this mod illagal on NA currently and actively banning for it? Do you have some screenshots from their support to back it up?
  10. XVM is not stats only, stats are part of XVM, not the other way. If you don't want XVM you can uncheck the whole XVM section, but you will also lose the OTM you have selected. There was problem with the DLC server which is fixed now.
  11. Try new modpack, I could not reproduce your problem with damage log there.
  12. 9.16 build 19 (22-10-2016): - added Info Panel Info Panel Extended [5 variants] - updated XVM to 6671 [nightly build] - updated session stats: YasenKrasen [EN, PL, KO] - updated Wide border of maps (light) [critical update to all users of this mod!] - removed Sixth Sense Duration by ekspoint (suspected for ctd)
  13. What OS you have now ? both of you.
  14. Sprawdz jeszcze czy jakis antywir nic nie blokuje, sa takie mody ktore wymagaja polaczenia z internetem i antywiry wszelakie lubia blokowac takie polaczenia sadzac ze to cos zlosliwego, a potem gra sie wywala. np. OTM Reload od ZJ tak robi a widze ze go instalujesz.
  15. Zobacz jakie sciezki sa w tej paczce patrola, bo to ma znaczenie. Instalacji modow z ASLAINS_CUSTOM_MODS nie tykalem od dawna, nie moglo sie nagle popsuc bez powodu Ew. daj mi linka do tego co masz w tym folderze to sam sprawdze. Co do bledu "szczegoly" jest on znany i nienaprawialny na te chwile, podobno to blad od WG.
  16. Dzisiaj bedzie nowa aktualizacja XVM i paczki, moze to cos Wam zmieni na dobre.
  17. Dziwne, miedzy 17 a 18 zmienil sie w sumie tylko XVM i OTM od ZJ. Jesli nie uzywasz OTM ZJ to znaczy ze winne jest XVM.
  18. Moze zobacz jeszcze bez SixthSenseSoundTimeIconChat by Ekspoint, wydaje mi sie ze on kiedys wieszal gre podczas bycia spotowanym.
  19. Tried to reproduce it with same mods, but nothing bad is happening to me :/
  20. I belive he meant the Player's Panel, but what can be wrong there, I don't know, the OP didn't tell.
  21. It is recommended to uncheck session stats backup in case of problems, do it. You probably installed session stats from different authors one by one, and got your cache.json bugged.
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