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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Cannot reproduce. Try new modpack 02, scripts were updated.
  2. When you watch replay, do you also see that black parts? Attach it, if so.
  3. You never said what hitzones, and didnt attach logs, so I cannot give you direct link.
  4. I'm guessing ASIA server is not updated to 9.15.2? You probably used wrong modpack on your client.
  5. 9.15.2 build 02 (16-09-2016): - replaced damage log gambiter script with version from unKnown_bot - updated WoT Tweaker - updated crosshairs script - updated XVM to 6474 [nightly build] - removed OTM Reloads by ZJ (bugged) - removed Gun Constraints (not working)
  6. Pokaz blad na screenie, ten mod usunieto w 01, zostal jeszcze drugi podobny, ale ma inna nazwe, screen powie prawde.
  7. It's not working indeed, I guess some bug in XVM code.
  8. I cropped outthat text area from provided image, and uploaded to some online OCR website, then copied text to translator
  9. Tried to redownload them? Maybe files got corrupted, and are not being unpacked correctly.
  10. Slow installer is always related to Windows Defender or other antivir.
  11. Please try without damage log gambiter / xft / seafalcon
  12. Ok logs? It says: "двигать панель мышью" (google: move the mouse panel) Maybe it tells you that you can move the panel with your mouse. Did you use CTRL by any chance? You probably have a mouse pointer over some element that is movable with mouse.
  13. Yeah I smell the more sound mods are affected. Going offline soon, so I will deal with this tomorrow I guess, remove/update sound mods.
  14. Czyli jednak ten mod sie zabugowal w tym pachu, zobacz bez niego, albo na innej wersji.
  15. Gra moze sie tez nie wlaczyc jesli instaluje sie jakis mod dzwiekowy, cos mam wrazenie ze dzisiejszy patch je popsul.
  16. Reproduced. To fix, reinstall all mods but remove gun sounds by DJVeil.
  17. We know about gun sound problem, no need to report it anymore.
  18. Sprawdz antywira, cos blokuje polaczenie modow z internetem, a jak niektore z nich nie moga sie polaczyc to bitwa sie nie zaladuje.
  19. Aby sprawdzic co z announcerem sie dzieje potrzebuje logow Nowy skrypt ktory dodalem wczoraj pokazuje teraz jak sie jakis inny skrypt wylozy. Brak dzwiekow dzial wystepuje tez na czystej wersji gry bez modow.
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