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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Attach logs and screenshot of your problems, + replay from this battle, see my signature link below post 🙂 When a draggable XVM hitlog is missing usually it's enough to clear game cache via the installer, or manually delete hitlog files in the appdata for wargaming.net world of tanks. Just installed that hitlog, see, it's working fine:
  2. Cannot verify, if your logs don't repflect it.
  3. In that logs you attached you have not selected any spotting markers. Launched a replay and I don't see any icons on the player's panel. So I added just PMOD spotting markers and this is what I see in battle:
  4. v1.24.0.1 #08 (22-03-2024): - Akt. XVM 11.0.0_0044 - Akt. różnych plików konfiguracyjnych XVM - Akt. skórki czołgów ze strefami trafień Esther - Akt. Dźwięki silników od SicFunzler - Akt. Oczekiwane wartości pojazdu - Akt. Celowników: Achilles, Armored Warfare, Deegie, Destroyer, Hardscope, Hyperon, j1mbo v1/2/3, Melty, Minimalistic, Protanki, Damocles, Taipan 2, Warplanes, Warrior, White Korzinich - Przywrócono celownik arty: J1mbo v3 (zielony) - Dodano opcję XVM: Odległość do pojazdów w OTM Aslaina [mod #45]
  5. v1.24.0.1 #08 (22-03-2024): - Updated XVM 11.0.0_0044 - Updated various XVM configs files - Updated Hitzone skins Esther - Updated SicFunzlers's engine sounds - Updated Expected Vehicle Values - Updated Crosshairs: Achilles, Armored Warfare, Deegie, Destroyer, Hardscope, Hyperon, j1mbo v1/2/3, Melty, Minimalistic, Protanki, Damocles, Taipan 2, Warplanes, Warrior, White Korzinich - Re-added: spg sight: J1mbo v3 (green) - Added XVM option: Distance to vehicles in Aslain's OTM [mod #45]
  6. Without logs it's hard to tell (see my post signature links with info about logs), because I have no clue what mods you are installing and which spotting icons you want to see and not want to see, but for sure it comes from your choices and not from a bug. Review what you have installed (or not have installed when it comes to XVM). i.e.
  7. v.13.2.0 #08 (21-03-2024): - Akt. Kolorowy miernik pingów i FPS [Teraz można dostosować ustawienia za pomocą konfiguratora w bitwie od TTaro. Można tam też wybrać spośród dwóch różnych wariantów] - Akt. Panele drużyn od TTaro [Automatycznie ukrywa martwe boty w trybie scenariusza] - aKT. Asystent osprzętu eskadry [Naprawiono błąd, przez który materiały eksploatacyjne nie były wyświetlane jako puste]
  8. v.13.2.0 #08 (21-03-2024): - Updated Colored Ping and FPS meter [Now you can adjust the settings via TTaro Mod Config. So you don't need 2 different variants] - Updated Team Panels by TTaro [Automatically hides the dead bots in scenario mode] - Updated Squadron Consumables Assistant [Fixed an error where the consumables were not displayed as Empty]
  9. Have you enabled the Full Interface alternative in the game options?
  10. Wlasnie była aktualizacja. Ale... https://discord.com/channels/161053416796323840/1220433689264001166
  11. Played 4 battles with the very same mods installed and didn't encounter it.
  12. What do you want to achieve by that? I'm not sure I get it. Please explain it better. Screenshots can help too.
  13. Gra ma buga przez ktorego sie zawiesza, moze przez to. Dzisiaj chyba ma byc aktualizacja gry co to naprawic ma.
  14. Installed just Miku garage mod and it works fine for me, both in SD and HD mode. Are you using Battle Hits mod with enabled option to replace garage background? In my post signature, there is link to guide, how to report a bug, follow it, attach logs, screenshots of your problem, maybe screenshot of your graphics settings as well.
  15. v.13.2.0 #07 (20-03-2024): - Akt. Kolorowy niernik pingów i FPS [dostosowano próg zmiany koloru fps] - Dodano Napraw Hud Eskadry [od TTaro] [[naprawia problem polegający na braku niektórych wskaźników w aktualizacji 13.2: wskaźnik wykrycia kadłuba podczas lotu eskadrą, ukrycie eskadry w pobliżu celownika] [mod #113]
  16. v.13.2.0 #07 (20-03-2024): - Updated Colored Ping and FPS meter [adjusted fps color change threshold] - Added Fix Squadron Hud (by TTaro) [fixes an issue where some indicators are missing in the 13.2 update: The hull detection indicator when flying a squadron, The squadron's concealment near the crosshair] [mod #113]
  17. How often does it happen? Could you try to play without minimap by Battleframe?
  18. v2.1.26.0 #00 (20-03-2024): - Initial compatibility with WoWp v2.1.26.0
  19. It's most likely minimalized, press L.CTRL and search for little whice [+] icon on your screen and click on it to expand the panel. ps. Moving your post to proper section.
  20. v1.24.0.1 #07 (20-03-2024): - Akt. XVM 11.0.0_0042 - Akt. Arty Log [poprawka do pisania w garażu] - Akt. Pomocnik Stalowego Łowcy: od CHAMPi [poprawka wstępnie zdefiniowanych konfiguracji]
  21. v1.24.0.1 #07 (20-03-2024): - Updated XVM 11.0.0_0042 - Updated Arty Log [text typing fix] - Updated Steel Hunter Helper: by CHAMPi [fix for broken pre-defined upgrade configs]
  22. v.13.2.0 #06 (19-03-2024): - Poprawiono wielkości liter nazw okrętów w niektórych modach karuzeli okrętów [które zostały przypadkowo zmienione w poprzedniej aktualizacji]
  23. v.13.2.0 #06 (19-03-2024): - Adjusted ship name size in few carousel mods [which were accidentally changed in previous update]
  24. v1.24.0.1 #06 (19-03-2024): - Akt. XVM 11.0.0_0041 [poprawki] - Akt. ikonki konturów: GolKosh - Akt. Wyposażenie Bojowe [dodano wsparcie dla trybu Linii frontu]
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