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Everything posted by DexterMaximus

  1. How does the adu work within the mod? I used to use it stand alone, but now I see it in the pack... Is there a button or some such?
  2. WTF.... But Mighty Aslain, how can we fix this?
  3. On WoT i use Aslains modern contours with arab tiers. It looks awesome! I guess when Aslain gets time he will look to do similar for WoWS. Also many other mods, carousels? even more zoom out? clear reload timers on the ammo icons? I trust he will sort as they become available... lol
  4. Hi. I was wondering if you could ever do the aslain modern icons like in WoT for warships. May I suggest the same colours too... Heavy = RED = BB Medium = Yellow = CA Light = Green = Destroyer Arty = Purple = CV What are the odds?
  5. The ADU issue seems fine now? This is odd as it was like an on/off switch when testing the other day!
  6. I has the same issue, or it would open the program then close by it self, i turned off adu and it is all sorted, but that may not have been the solution, but it worked!
  7. I hate to say it, but this amazing mod is not working at this time. I am sure it will get sorted soon though. stay groovy.
  8. Would it be possible to add some sort of integrity check to your mod? Perhaps it would be an install option like clean install and the like. I have had an issue where I had to run a check and it needed to get over a gb of data. Maybe a little app would stop the need for this? Is it even possible.
  9. They are great! But I am sure if you remove you brain one night and send it to us, we can look inside and find the needed information! Its not like it's rocket science, lol
  10. as stated the screenshots You can see some players are not the dark red colour and some of the values also.
  11. Please tell us that we will not lose these! They are cool as a cucumber on coke! Is there anything any of us can do to help? They are clear! They are easy to see! They are simple! They are ACE!
  12. Well, I will try and get a screen shot later. But it is all good but for one issue. The lowest level under 46% - "Beginner" should be a dark red. But it shows as a grey (off white colour)
  13. This would be ace! But there is no mod for it yet! add your support on the EU forums here! http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/434724-platoon-information-window-tier-class-mm-and-such/
  14. Would it be possible to add words and phrases to the spam filter! This may not be for everyone but.... There are some phrase's we all ignore! They also fill the chat channel with junk! IE, Defend the base! Attack Help! worse still.... I urgently need help is anyone caring! I understand that one in every six thousand times, these phrase's may mean something, but surely if it was that important someone would type a message in. My solution is to block only the "exact" messages from the radial menu Maybe your spam filter could have the option to manually add these or one just for the above!
  15. heavy! It is a shame as this was a cool mod!
  16. is it just me (local) As for me beginner levels show up as grey? On the scale they are Dark red...
  17. I love this mod! The removal of the "red flash" when you fire is amazing. I am not sure what it is called, but it would be nice to see it back.... But... I trust aslain will do all the hard work for us! If it is bugged (I did not notice problems) it is no good. Rather wait and be safe!
  18. Since 9.3 I am also having issues with the radial menu editor. It is a shame, but I think the guy who made it has not touched it in a long while. Locatran seems to still recommend it, you may have to ask him. But I am still hoping for a brave sole, to make a mod that can do it nice and simple, that could be included in this fantastic pack!
  19. They really seem to hate some of us EU guys.... LOL At some point there was mention of a mod like this. I think tazlion was gonna do the scout locations, but due to the Ukraine issue, he has pulled from anything to do with WG.
  20. Asalin, for this mod you may get support from WotLabs. That place is full of purples who I suspect would even be willing to provided detailed tactical information!
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