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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. Just goes to show how little I know about laptops, hehe Didn't know it was normal. I just know that it's commonly used on 24-27 inch monitors too. When you write a replay, you should see "drag files here to attach or choose files" - and the files in question are shown in my signature links, for example The link to World of Tanks is the "how to report" thread.
  2. Yes, adding logs might help. Especially if it's possible to reproduce the fact that scaling gets changed - just seems so weird that scaling would get changed due to a mod :O That's a Windows setting after all. It's a bit odd that the seller didn't mention something about it - because 1080p is a crazy resolution on a 15.6 inch monitor
  3. Weird... at least to me. Might be obvious to someone else, if it's a mod that does something
  4. No worries - but yeah, that would explain why it looks fine to me, but different to you. Hopefully what I mentioned in previous post helps a bit.
  5. Did you actually try starting a smoke? Because someone else posted that he wasn't seeing it.... until he actually used a smoke.
  6. Yikes, I get why the font is tiny then, if it's 1080p on a 15.6 inch monitor. As for the scaling thing - did you just mess with the properties of the launcher, or also "worldoftanks.exe"? What happens if you set it on "worldoftanks.exe", and start the game directly, instead of using the launcher? Or set it on both, and start with the launcher
  7. Default behavior is that pressing ALT turns minimap shipnames off. There's a toggle in the modpack, so the shipnames always remain on minimap. (Why the minimap author choose alt, is beyond me.. alt is used for so many things, planes on a carrier, for example)
  8. Didn't do that as part of your logs - which is why Aslain suggested that might solve it
  9. It's weird that the size was correct the first time around - and then suddenly changed. I don't think the modpack does anything that would change it, but why else it changes, who knows... gremlins sometimes Not sure what else to say in the thread - I remember when I got a different resolution monitor, it took some time to get used to the difference, especially smaller fonts, but your issue sounds like something else. Hopefully some other technical genius drops by the thread, with an idea
  10. Please attach the logs The most important being Aslains Logs zip file, or at least the Aslains Installer Options file.
  11. I learned the same lesson, I didn't think too much of it at the time, but with more demanding games coming out, I see the problem Monitors generally prefer their native resolution - though sometimes it can work with using a resolution below it's native - but it'll end up blurry in many cases, due to the smaller resolution, being stretched over the monitors native - long story, if continued, hehe. But it probably makes sense.
  12. In the "Display settings", it says 100% is "Recommended", and I'm fairly sure that I never changed it.. so it's probably been 100% since the start. I don't know the 940m, so not sure what settings you should play at - you can try and see what you get with the different settings Higher settings is usually eye candy, and it shouldn't matter too much gameplay wise, if you're on the lowest, or highest. But yeah, 1080 takes about twice as much to display, compared to 768, if you look at my previous post with the "pixel count"
  13. Installer remembers your choices between installations. And there's already the "Aslains_Installer_Options.inf" - which you can use with this:
  14. Hm - sounds odd to me I don't think there's anything the modpack does, that'll affect your resolution in the game. Even clearing the game caches, doesn't reset the graphics settings.
  15. I'm not sure stretching the image to fill my screen will help me understand your issue, since it'll just make the text larger (my native resolution is 2560x1440, and things are smaller on this, compared to a 1920x1080) - so I think that's what your experiencing.. but not sure. Hm - maybe taking a picture, if you have a camera in your phone. Otherwise I'm not sure. The text on the launcher / client, seems comparable to the text size on your Windows clock - is the clock's text too small as well?
  16. The screenshots look just fine to me. Using 1366x768 on a 1920x1080 monitor won't produce a good result. You'll be stretching the pixels to match the monitors native resolution. Often causing things to be blurry/fuzzy. Even if the monitors aren't the same physical size (inches), then 1080p will always look "smaller", since it's displaying more on screen, than the old resolution. (1049088 pixels vs 2073600 pixels.. just shy of double the amount)
  17. Since you're messing with it yourself - did you place it properly, like in the zip file? the "mods" folder stuff goes into World of Tanks \ mods folder. the "res_mods" folder stuff goes into World of Tanks \ res_mods folder. There are TWO different mod locations for 9.17.1! Scripts aren't missing. They're in the "mods" folder. Same with configs.
  18. Except RU (highest population) is usually the first to get the patches, both for World of Tanks, and World of Warships. (After the test server, that is) Pretty sure RU gets WoWs patch the same day as NA. EU, is always a day behind.
  19. I doubt it's possible to see other players skills and equipment. You can ask that question in the mod authors thread - but I bet the answer will be the same. http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/481984-09171-crewskillinformer-crews-skills-and-perks-in-battle-window-update-23022017-v011/
  20. for OTM, you do not have player name selected. for Minimap, names are shown - they're in your screenshot, but you have selected vehicle names too, so they all have 2 lines. Also, you may want to adjust this, to avoid the roman number on your contour icons in the playerpanels :
  21. It's not removed? It's in the current modpack version. It's in the Chat mods section. Just above the damage logs. 2/3rds down the list, or so.
  22. The mod author changed the location. Not Aslain. World of Tanks\mods\configs\PYmods\RadialMenu
  23. They've been Russian for as long as I can remember, those 2 particular lines, where you expand/minimize the info areas. And not something you translate "just like that" I'm afraid.
  24. It's hidden in it's script files or something. Those 2 lines have always been Russian. And it's a very minor thing tbh Once expanded, everything is English.
  25. Good to hear it was just that Happy tanking!
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