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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. There are various animated icons and what not. And there's no such thing as "when the icon is gone, you're good to go" - you have no way of knowing if you're good to go or not. You could be spotted longer than 12 seconds. You could be perma-spotted.
  2. 😛 After seeing the banner I'm sure you understand now what is going on Since the mod folder changed, the modpack needs to be updated to install into the new folders, and also some testing to make sure things don't break too badly
  3. The modpack is installed as a client thing If the same client is both accounts, it'll be fine If it's two different clients, you just install to both clients
  4. Still possible 🙂 But given WoT just updated to a new mod folder - the current modpack won't install in the new version.. as the banner on this site says, at the time of writing this, "WoT Modpack update to is in progres.."
  5. Until it is, install Battle Hits, click the gear icon top right in Battle Hits interface, and turn on it's garage overrider, not the same as minimalistic, but it's a nice touch.
  6. There's probably no meaningful change, as it's just mods being changed, and not any actual code... But since the exe itself changes checksum, then very very very few companies, like ESET, can just decide to be dumb at times... there's nothing Aslain can do against that.
  7. WoT has Blacklist Cleaner [hotkey: ALT+F12], if you posted in wrong section 😛
  8. I think XVM does that? A tier 8 would say 8-9 if it has pref. mm.
  9. kurzdor.freexphelper_2.0.0.wotmod So yeah. If you use that, then only the tanks that have completed field mods, will be shown. That's the purpose of that mod. 🙂
  10. I bet you installed "Free XP Helper" But who knows, without logs 😛 Run the special application called "Aslains_WoT_Logs_Archiver.exe," which can be found in the game installation folder or as a shortcut on your Windows desktop. This application will create an "Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip" file. It is mandatory to attach this file to your thread. Please note that I don't need any other logs, only the specific zip file generated by the "Aslains_WoT_Logs_Archiver.exe." You can find the "Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip" file in the game folder inside the "Aslains_Modpack" directory.
  11. No Mods are loaded when the client starts Installing mods with client open can just make things break, since files may be in use and what not
  12. Well, game is on 13.8, and as the red banner says just up there, the modpack update is in progress
  13. Colored Damage Stickers, around halfway down the modpack list
  14. EU updates in 3 hours.. so it's only an issue for 3 hours. 😛
  15. Looks like all the zip files are throwing errors, when the modpack tries to extract them So you aren't getting Esthers hitzone skins either, for example Not sure if it's because you maybe aren't running modpack as admin, or it's a folder permissions issue for the DL_cache folder (inside Aslain's folder, in your WoT folder), hmm
  16. Please attach log files: Run the special application called "Aslains_WoT_Logs_Archiver.exe," which can be found in the game installation folder or as a shortcut on your Windows desktop. This application will create an "Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip" file. It is mandatory to attach this file to your thread. Please note that I don't need any other logs, only the specific zip file generated by the "Aslains_WoT_Logs_Archiver.exe." You can find the "Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip" file in the game folder inside the "Aslains_Modpack" directory.
  17. Funky. Did you try another browser? Or just the same happening there? Maybe an extension is preventing the page from working properly?
  18. Just logged in fine at the website You just say you can't login - are you getting an error, or what is happening?
  19. Run the modpack again, and look at what you picked in the mod list Sounds like you're talking about the "Over Target Markers", so review what you picked there... Maybe it's the contour icons you are talking about? It's all guesses since you didn't add a screenshot, and your logs would help too, to see what you have already picked And moved your thread to World of Tanks section
  20. I think it has a button in bottom right corner to open it with? Not entirely sure though, never used it 😄 It'll either be there, or if you right click a tank and go to preview or so.
  21. Going back and tweaking settings is either: Run the modpack again, it will remember what you had picked last time - make your changes from there, continue with install Or fiddling with config files, to tweak stuff that way (but those changes would be lost on each install, unless you utilize the Custom Mods folder within Aslain's folder)
  22. If you're using the Kurzdor one, it's at: %AppData%\Wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks\mods\kurzdor\autoequipmentreturn
  23. A screenshot would probably help here, and logs: "Run the special application called "Aslains_WoT_Logs_Archiver.exe," which can be found in the game installation folder or as a shortcut on your Windows desktop. This application will create an "Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip" file. It is mandatory to attach this file to your thread. Please note that I don't need any other logs, only the specific zip file generated by the "Aslains_WoT_Logs_Archiver.exe." You can find the "Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip" file in the game folder inside the "Aslains_Modpack" directory." Thank you 🙂
  24. Two, at least. There's one in Little Helper Collection (it has a bunch of other features you can turn on/off) And there's a stand alone; "Clan rewards auto claim" Both around 80% down the list
  25. Start the modpack Get to the list of mods And then I mentioned the location above 🙂
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