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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. Better ask Wargaming to add that then. Because otherwise, that would be an illegal feature
  2. XVM team just updated, which looks like a fix to the fog of war bug. So Aslain will probably include it next time he updates
  3. Because the modpack is for, so wait till it's updated to 0.6.0 EU gets the update tonight.
  4. Funky... heh. That mod was updated recently, maybe something got broken then.
  5. Wargaming wouldn't really need anyone else to tell them what mods people use. Every single mod that get loaded into the game, is, for example, printed into python.log - so unless the cheat makers found a way to hide their mod from python.log, that's one sure way to find it. And I'm sure Wargaming has other means to tell as well. Rumours are great, aren't they? LOL. People also blamed the "Top Tankers Event" mod, for example.
  6. What happens if you tick "Show Panels" in your screen, you don't have it ticked.
  7. Please remember to attach logs See my signature for where they are (incase you don't have the zip, you should have some other files named Aslains, the most important one is Aslains Installer Options)
  8. Danish for WoT installer updated: WoT_da_translation_9.17_25.ini.zip
  9. You'll want to visit the folder; \World of Tanks\Aslains_Custom_mods\ The folder structure inside the zip file you create, should look like this, when you double click the zip: \res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\res\SixthSense.png It'll overwrite any other option you selected, and be installed last.
  10. The modpack check failed it's version check, it timed out in the python log. So either your firewall / similar, blocked it.. or the version check place is temporarily having issues
  11. Always great when the thing that makes sense, turns out to be the right one, hehe. I'm guessing it shows yellow or some other color, if you or someone else with it gets spotted.
  12. No idea - but a guess could be: Currently not spotted? Though, yours are showing.. and I doubt you are spotted at that point in time? Could be "I have sixth sense perk / I do not have sixth sense perk"? If you have the perk, that might answer that one. And can confirm it, if you use a crew without sixth sense.
  13. Did you login with both accounts on http://modxvm.com/en/ Since that's the settings that control WG Rating being used by XVM. For example.
  14. From the FAQ thread, in the Downloads & Information section;
  15. RU is on NA/EU is on and ASIA is on LOL.
  16. Johny_Bafak's Tech Tree mod includes that feature too.. so install his Tech Tree, and all settings should work fine now... probably conflicted with "Show Any Tank in Hangar" Mod
  17. Show Any Tank In Hangar < That, most likely
  18. You sure you don't have a tech tree mod installed? Otherwise those tanks shouldn't be showing up.. unless XVM team added something I don't know about, hehe.
  19. Select the name option for the floating up kill message
  20. with Johny_Bafak's Tech Tree, you should be able to turn off those tanks just fine... Using the menu in the bottom right corner, at the notification center... or pressing F8 while Tech Tree is open, should work too.
  21. Wish I knew what you meant, hehe. Taipan crosshair is in the modpack. Though, he's writing "Do not add"... but the questionmark makes it weird, lol.
  22. You'll find the answer in the description of the player panel mod you selected. The important bits of the Session Stats are translated. I think it's only the notification window option that is in Russian?
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