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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. \World of Tanks\res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain\camera.xc Find the line: "zooms": [2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 30], Edit: Grandorf you damn ninja :ph34r: :lol:
  2. One day old account + One post count = You can use Shoutbox.
  3. So your bug report is for 9.13, which doesn't exist anymore?....
  4. Eh, it's not THAT hard to easily figure out which section a mod belongs to though..
  5. It would be kind of funny if it turns out that he didn't notice the whole "all new sounds" in patch 9.14 for World of Tanks. :D
  6. Yeah, it'll limit to non-random, but maybe the platoon thing worked still in random... It's all guesswork really, hehe... Google Translate only produces gibberish really.. :(
  7. Maybe the "show when less" could be set to something like 1 or 2, and that'll almost disable it... Not sure if you do this, if platoon will work in random battles: <limitationTypeOfBattles>1</limitationTypeOfBattles> <useSquadChat>1</useSquadChat> Try that, and see if platoon message works - if it does - that'll be great, if not... then you might need to try the other option :)
  8. From the gibberish that Google Translate created, it looks like it'll use platoon chat if you set that option you looked at. However... if there's only 1 person left alive in the platoon, it'll send to team chat instead, based on the part with "ShowWhenLess" or whatever it was... Not sure if you can completely disable the random battle team chat message..
  9. Hehe... I'm subscribed to the entire section, so I get mails instantly when someone posts. That way I can help ASAP, if I know the issue ;)
  10. \World of Tanks\res_mods\0.9.14\scripts\client\mods\observed.xml :)
  11. lol, version 4.3.1.. that's some ancient stuff right there :D
  12. I don't know why the forum won't let you attach something. But I'll say it again.. you cannot mix WoT's builtin minimap features, with the XVM Minimap.. you need to use one, or the other... Either deselect all XVM Minimap selections in your installer... or select everything you need there, and turn WoT's builtin minimap extended off along with the circles. :)
  13. Dead tank markers, you'll need to select in the installer, if you want to use XVM Minimap. Otherwise, unselect everything XVM Minimap related in the installer, and use the WoT built-in minimap (see their settings to enable stuff, like the extended map features and the circles)
  14. 1) Leftover XVM font file in the Windows Font folder? 2) WoT's built in circles aren't displaying, if you use the XVM Minimap. 3)
  15. XVM Team already switched to the Audiokinetic Wwise sound system... so I'm sure the others can figure it out too. :)
  16. Whenever Gnomefather updates, it'll probably be added to the modpack.
  17. Either manually delete the contents of the res_mods\version folder... or use the uninstaller for example..
  18. Pretty sure it was there in 9.13, and thus removed in 9.14, because it wasn't yet updated by the author... it'll return once updated by author, and once Aslain includes it again.
  19. Good to hear you sorted it manually :) I did make a custom one myself as well Perhaps in the future, more options in the installer is a possibility, who knows.. for now, lets not burden God himself (Aslain) :P
  20. No such update has been released yet... Aslain probably just modified the file that the update checker checks, in preparation for tomorrow :)
  21. Wrong section, and just had to throw in the computer spec bragging too, hehe. As if those would matter. The zoom mods are bugged. It's known. And it'll be fixed when the authors fix them.
  22. World of Tanks\res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\res\MinimapAim.png You can edit that to fit your needs, I can recommend using Paint.net (free program, almost as good as Photoshop itself!)
  23. Obviously I have run the installer. But it's still called "XVM Modpack".. so it's to be expected that XVM is installed, no matter what. Also, I'm hardly bashing you at all.. just pointing out the obvious.. and questioning why there should be a non-XVM option, for an XVM Modpack. :P
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