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Everything posted by 98whiteMC

  1. Scorp, I guess it's safe to assume that arty DOES NOT have a different set of spotting mechanics. That being the case, please review replay and tell me who spotted me from where. I am just bewildered by how this works. I pm'd the replay link
  2. So. Is there a different set of spotting mechanics for arty? I just left a match where I was well below crest of hill. Don't believe any way possible for line-of-sight spotting from field level. Only 1 big hill where somebody could possibly see me. But I thought in that situation I would be able to spot them as well. They would have been 150 or 200 meters above me. I would think the advantage would be mine in that case. I was motionless for over ten seconds then destroyed by arty fire. I don't get it? Enemy swears I was on his radar.
  3. I use 'Info Panel' (under crosshair mods) in modpack. It shows me reload time, gun type, armor thickness, weight, etc when I mark an enemy tank....I love it.
  4. Oh Man....if this works for me it will be HUGE! I'm going to try it tomorrow and I'll let you know here if it worked. Thanks for your post.
  5. Thanks for the info. I guess I won't be selecting that one next {grin}
  6. What EXACTLY does this do? It reads "Enables the commander to identify critically damaged modules on targeted vehicles within the view range." So then what happens? Critical damage is my worst enemy. I'm so sick of hearing that...to me it means "you poor fool.......you are not going to get any damage points for wasting that round on this tank" What good does it do to "see" it?
  7. I looked at the XVM minimap options in Aslain's modpack and it doesn't show an option for that circle. What minimap mod are you using to produce that?
  8. I get circle for base view range, modified view range (improved optics, binocs), arty range, Max View range (445), and red square for Max draw distance....that's it. I use Locostan's minimap. Never used xvm minimap.
  9. Well, that seems sensible, however, it does not address the fact that the gun marker goes black, and, there is no audible feedback from game engine. Even if I hit but don't pen, I get an audible (didn't even scratch him, etc...). That is not happening in this case. All of the observed symptoms indicate that the round simply does not travel the required distance (which is very realistic). Too bad you don't have that little tank....you could try and see if it happens for you as well.
  10. The view range in my (Renault FT tier I) is 280 + binocs gives me 330. This tank cannot hit a target at the extent of the view range. I am using the top gun (Tier II 25mm). Any targets more than ~300 meters away cannot be hit at all. I use the red circle gun marker (with penetration indicator). Normally the marker is red until i am aiming at a spot which mathematically I should be able to pen, then it turns green. In this tank the marker is BLACK until the tanks are in "range", then it turns red like it's supposed to. You can watch the rounds disappear into the enemy tank, but nothing registers but a miss. All of my other tanks can hit a target if I can illuminate it....no matter the distance. I was not aware of any range restrictions on the guns. It's no big deal --- not worried about it --- just thought it was interesting because I have never seen it before. Are there others like this?
  11. Maybe have them show up when we press Tab key in game to show Statistics screen ? That way u could look anytime you need to see them
  12. Well Aslain, I sure hope they make the API available...hint hint hint
  13. @Almace - to your point of accuracy when leading or blind firing - with the reticle on-target, WoT automatically adjusts the actual elevation of the gun to compensate for range. This is how we can hit a target at 100 meters, and also at 400 meters without having to compensate for range, velocity, wind, etc ourselves.... This is totally unrelated to auto-aim (which is a separate feature), but applies to it as well. This creates a problem when we are trying to lead a moving target because the server doesn't know what we are trying to do. The server thinks we have actually aimed at the rock in the dirt on the hill, and will adjust gun elevation accordingly. I only get good results leading targets when they are relatively close, and running perpendicular on flat ground, or, running directly towards or away from me on slopes (when I am above them). As for the problem I'm having - I can roll into position, stop my tank, sight-in on a stationary enemy, zoom in in sniper mode, place reticle on weak spot, count to 3, release the round, and watch as it sails over horizon, or slams into the ground 50 meters away, nobody moves (1st shot is so bad enemy doesn't know he's being shot at), shoot again and second shot will be within published dispersion. I also have server reticle enabled so I can see "what the server sees". And I'm happy to report that I do not, have not, and hope to never suffer from lag issues (30-50 FPS, 25-40ms ping) always @Scorpiany - I'm both surprised and disappointed that you haven't seen this. I was thinking it was only NA servers doing it. Do you play anything other than tier 10's? I don't go above tier 8. Maybe it's only lower tiers or something.
  14. Couldn't help but notice when I watched Armored Warfare stream that every shot landed on target. I watched it twice to make sure. Tank rolls into position, sights in , and BOOM, round on target. I am so frustrated by WoT. I'd bet that my round hits actual aim point about 1% of the time. It hits near aim point about 10% of the time, and the other 85% is out in left field or in the dirt 50 meters in front...WTF When are they going to correct this? It is way worse than the published dispersion factor for each weapon.
  15. Is it me or is there some kind of bug in this game? Exactly how long must I still motionless, with my target illuminated, before my first shot will come ANYWHERE CLOSE? It doesn't seem to matter what tank I have, the first shot is so far off it's not even funny.
  16. Aslain, !!! FIXED !!! Thank you for solving this for me. I really appreciate it! It is so much nicer for me now.
  17. Well, I tried setting ModeSwitcher to False....all that does is NOT show the mode switch panel...still can cycle through all options with Ctrl-Tab. Tried deleting playersPanel.xc.....That just kills all XVM in game. Game still plays fine. What to try next ???? This is killing me...lol I don't want to see the panels until I call them up.
  18. Does anyone currently use this card? It was recommended by Can You Run It. It seems pretty old. I could use some input on best card to get.
  19. The panels are visible automatically from the time the map loads, until the countdown timer expires and the battle starts. Once the battle starts, the panels go away. I was looking for a way to suppress the panels by default, and if I want to see them I can call them up. My guess is that the [X], which I selected, is what causes the panels to disappear when the game starts. It does not prevent them from ever showing.
  20. How can I force the player panels to be off when I start the game? I don't want to disable them, only change default setting to off.
  21. I'm at the point in Excel where it will contact WG. and get all of my stats, but it pops up a dialog box. I need to know how to make VBA tell WG that I want to download the file. Once I get that figured out I know how to parse the JSOD file and pop it straight into Excel. My plan is to do that every night when I'm done playing.....then I can plot my progress. The interesting thing is that I can query WG manually with my browser, and it returns the data on screen (which is what I'd like to see). However, when I issue the exact same query from VBA, WG makes me choose to download the file instead of showing it to me. How are you with Algebra?
  22. Here is a better picture. Values represent actual amount needed to reach 100% of first skill.
  23. My mistake.....I went ahead and tried this but you cant load both at same time. Must be something else, or some other way
  24. Looks like Team Roughneck's Gunsights option....listed in installer just below Jimbo's Crosshair mod
  25. Is anyone using VBA in Excel to get data from WG? I am having a bit of an issue with the Get, and JSOD parsing.
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