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Everything posted by IronJuggernaut

  1. Does anyone know where/how to figure out which sound track controls which in-game sound? I would like to replace the aircraft "ready" sound.
  2. Recommend playing a couple dozen games against bots ... those battles do not count against your overall winrate. You will learn.
  3. What is the file that controls this? I would like to expand on it with more info but I cannot find the file that controls this area in game. For WoT is was "playersPanel.xc" ...
  4. For those who do not want the F-key voice commands ... nor want to hear them ... please include a script that replaces the sound file which activates them. Located here: C:\WoWs\res\audio\English(US)\WOWS_SP.bnk Supporting URL: http://forum.worldofwarships.com/index.php?/topic/51531-0501disable-the-f-key-voices/ SP_Replacement_Files_v2.zip
  5. Will head over to Roughnecks and make a request. Cheers!
  6. Do you recall where you got it from? Maybe I could go there directly contact the mod developer?
  7. Is it possible to separate these? I don't care for more visible splashes, but I think that more visible torpedoes would be helpful.
  8. I didn't see this last mod pack choices, is it still an available?
  9. Auto-aim. Aim-bot. Used for the same thing to me. Maybe you guys aren't understanding me. Left click on enemy tank. Gun locks on tank. Circle tank. Kill tank. That is an in-game option but there are mods to make it easier and better.
  10. Cheating? I play the Luchs (driving fast and crazy) and use an aimbot that targets the enemy vehicle alot more easier than the in-game one. The idea of using an aimbot to aim for tracks or something specific is not my purpose.
  11. Aslain please include an aim bot in your future modpacks that DOES NOT expire. SAE aim bot expiration is annoying.
  12. #1. Would like to see a highlighted "beach" area around islands where the game knows the edge ... so I can too. Tired of getting stuck on invisible obstructions near islands. #2. Would like to see an oil slick, lifeboats, or flotsam/debris where a ship sunk. #3. Would like to see a better players panel which includes health of ships within radio distance.
  13. How to uninstall pink directional line on minimap??
  14. There's two trains of thought... letting him "win" being one of them. The other being... everyone play games for a certain level of satisfaction. If someone takes that satisfaction from me and I kill him for it, I still leave with satisfaction. Win for me. Besides... my kill to death ratio is high enough that I can afford to kill a couple douchebags and not get banned.
  15. @Jeb ... you mean to tell me you NEVER shoot at friendly troll players when you're trying to win. Meh. I'd rather shoot a friendly player if he's misbehaving and get the ban ...than allow it to happen. IronJuggernaut75[KLGON] shoots friendlies!! Take note!! B)
  16. In the latest modbuild, there's an option to block shots at wrecks. There is also an option to block shots at wrecks and allies. I always choose the option to ONLY block wrecks ....as sometimes a teammate just needs to be shot because he's being a douchebag. I think that this option might be malfunctioning or erred.
  17. "Follow me" only happens when you've highlighted a friendly tank. Do not do this. ;)
  18. Not sure if Aslain wants to support it, but, I would be willing to provide anyone what they would need to make this happen.
  19. @ImBonzo .... are you wanting to have player panels like this?? (see attached image)
  20. Here is death of friendly tank. Changed angel wings to be more visible and added angel halo. It also continues to float upwards then disappears.
  21. Here is death of enemy tank. Just like "skull & bones" it continues to float upwards then disappears.
  22. Instead of re-installing a new build, I can just hard code it. Which file controls this area?
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