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Everything posted by Wm_Raub

  1. More of a mystery than a problem, I occasionally experience the 'battle loading screen hang'. I've adopted the close/re-start client method to rejoin the game and it's inconvenient but gets the job done, most of the time. (I've had arty killed while I was getting back - but that's not unusual with the wheeled peckers in the game now, even without the issue.) My contribution to the anal retentive pursuit of a fix, this morning, is the observation that in probably 65- 75% of the instances I experience this, I'm trying to play the t6 Sherman Jumbo. I have not kept a log, so I can't be more specific than this (starting one today), but I'm playing quite a lot, get the issue a couple of times a week and have enough recent recollection to make the claim. Really curious if it's got to do with how that model is built in the code or something like. Again, not something that's even a problem, more a curiosity. Logs attached, interestingly, I cannot upload the replay for that game, at least not through the manager. Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  2. Ok, never mind . . . fixed my problem by cleaning out the replays folder ( had over 5k replays, I can be a bit ignorant at times).
  3. Started replays manager and got the rolling sprocket telling me it was updating list, with a countdown (600+ replays) - then the sprocket with Updating List - that went on for 15 minutes or more, finally closed it out - what am I doing wrong? (Logs attached) Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  4. I know you're working on this stuff - attaching my logs if it's any help. Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  5. thanks, it's a curiosity more than anything, if I played better, I'd survive more games and wouldn't have noticed ;)
  6. Oops, sorry - pressed submit too quickly - noticed this yesterday on .03 pack and today on .04, here are the logs. Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  7. This is most likely operator error, so please forgive me, but I am baffled: in instances when my vehicle is destroyed early on and I return to the garage and start a battle in a different vehicle, the results for the initial will be missing from the notification panel. Example: This morning, fought a battle in Hellcat on Erhlenberg, which was a winning battle (I was present until the end); started a second battle in Hellcat on Mannerheim Line, was destroyed midway through, returned to garage; started thrid battle in Matilda, on Fjords, was destroyed towards the end - battle was victory. Notification panel shows results for the victory on Erhlenberg & victory on Fjords, but not the defeat on Mannerheim Line. I do have XVM installed and I understand there's some issues, but I haven't seen this described (or don't recognize it). Thanks for a great mod and any help.
  8. Installed #40 with the revised xvm UP sound, did clean install with DLC cache clear: no sound, even after closing game and restarting client. Please forgive me if I'm missing something. FWIW - Adobe updated flash - installed today. _Aslain_logs.zip python.log
  9. I think I remember that I was experiencing black textures on maps as a result of out-of-date video drivers - might want to check that. for ref, I'm using a computer with intel 4600 integrated graphics
  10. check and make sure your sound and video drivers are updated - I had similar issues a couple months ago and discovered that intel had updated the drivers, installing the new stuff fixed the issues
  11. some people get WAY too much sleep
  12. you're right, of course - now, as I think about it, the issue becomes moot as the snap to feature of auto aim was the mechanism that would have created the advantage - and it's gone, so no controversy! Thanks for helping me think straight(er).
  13. I'm questioning whether the ability to avoid shooting a wreck (white skin allowing distinguishing a wreck vs a live enemy behind it) would be considered unfair advantage - you're right, the safe-shot per se isn't an advantage ref the enemy.
  14. I'm wondering if the safe-shot mod/options are going to be ruled illegal. Just updated and see that the white death skins mod is gone - and I understand the rationale for that; are the safe shot features going for similar reasoning?
  15. vanilla autoaim allows you to re-engage a target after shifting hull/turret (think non-turreted TD's) - it does NOT allow you to lock on a target you don't actually have your crosshair on.
  16. I agree, it should be in the game as a standard/vanilla feature - though I understand how it's an unfair advantage when it's a mod - I've used it a LOT and I know I've gotten damage/kills as a result of using it (eg lock on and fire, rather than taking time to aim) and it's not all powerful - (I've killed plenty of rocks/trees/buildings using it) but when you're in arty and trying to line up a shotgun attempt, it sure is a help, same goes for getting the gun near the target when dueling with another light/fast medium.
  17. FWIW, I was encountering the same behaviour periodically, but not consistently enough to identify anything - until this morning - Realtek upgraded their audio drivers (again) - have not seen the issue since. I run the gun sounds mod -
  18. If this exists, I'd appreciate getting pointed in the right direction - otherwise, I would benefit from a notification that my consumables weren't replenished - before entering battle. Not often, but often enough, I forget to re-check the auto resupply box and end up in a battle without a repair kit, first aid or 'rations'. Something that would pop-up to remind me to check/address that would be awesome.
  19. thanks, that all makes sense - probably would have reached that if I'd spent any time thinking about it - appreciate your quick reply
  20. Forgive me if this already exists and I'm just not finding the option, but I think it would be useful to know when allied vehicles are spotted - I know the info is available with the chat, but I'd like the option on the panel. Thanks for any help.
  21. FWIW - I did clean re-install of the game/mods and that cleared the issue for me, both playing vanilla and with mods active
  22. Plus one on this issue - multiple attempts, including - re-download the installation file(s), reboot the PC, cclean the registry. Watching the install messages, seems the failure is only on some mods - I continued and got xvm stuff and some other mod features installed (debug, panels, etc.) - Aslains contours, dead white tanks, tessu, and sounds did NOT install. Also confirm that I do NOT have Aslains log in the normal location or anywhere else in the WoT/games directory. python.log
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