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Everything posted by Dessection

  1. Uff, that was years ago, I had once asked in the forum if someone knows such a kind of mod, and someone has just programmed it =) I'll see if I can find the post ... bruh searching a half Hour, didn't find it…. Was in the German WoT forum so May 2017, was a longer post because he updated the mod 4-5 more times. I kept it then and customized the key mapping in the XML and never looked for it again. But Using the Mod since this Day, every Day. :D
  2. Hey guys, I have been using a small mod for many years that selects a random tank from my current filter using the F12 key. But it has no animation like the one from the Aslain modpack. Now to my problem. The random mod from the Aslain modpack is really super elaborate and I like it, but! The mod only selects tanks that have crew on them, it skips tanks that have no crew in the possible selection. Is it possible to set the mod so that it also uses the tanks in its selection table that currently have no crew on them? That would simply make the mod more lucrative. Best regards Dessection Ps: attached is my Random Tank Mod which I have been using for many years now -> comes in Resmods\Version, needs no updates and you can select a random tank from the current filter using F12. Maybe this helps as an example to customize the cooler Aslain mod. scripts.zip
  3. I have already reset everything and left out the unanymizer. If the freeze occurs again, I'll attach the logs again. I just thought because I have read through all the forum posts and in 3 years no one has ever suspected this mod, that I just throw it in the room 😃
  4. The error occurs now constantly. With a clanmate, I once compared the mods that we have installed. The following mods are left: -> Disable movement of trees -> Unanonymizer Last named is in almost every modpack, is it possibly the culprit? i think this was the right post for my answer 😄
  5. The error occurs now constantly. With a clanmate, I once compared the mods that we have installed. The following mods are left: -> Disable movement of trees -> Unanonymizer Last named is in almost every modpack, is it possibly the culprit?
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